Chapter 38 - Witches Forest

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1st September 2019

Laura's P.O.V

We went to the wicken's house and she told us everything. I see her giving Colby googly eyes and smiling at him. I'm feeling myself getting jealous. 

We leave her house and before we walk into the car I grab Colby's hand and say, "You know she was goo gooing over you". He chuckles "Your jealous".

"N-no W-what are you talking about" I stutter. He chuckles and gets in the car. We're all in the car and on our way to Witches Forest.

We get to where we are gonna camp. Colby and I set up the tents. Sam, Jake and Corey go to get fire wood. Corey is shitting himself at every sound he hears thinking it's a scream or something.

We all finished what we are doing and sit in the tent. Everyone made jokes. 

"My mom is making dinner" Jake says

"What is it?" Corey asks

"Zuccini" Jake says.

"I'm cool with that" Sam says

"Me too" Corey agrees. I just get up and say "I'm gonna see what's around before it gets too dark."

"I'm gonna join you" Jake says but Colby gets up and stops Jake.

"Do you think that's a smart idea?" Colby says and Jake shakes his head in guilt.

Colby and I start walking. "Thanks baby" I say rubbing my arms cause it's cold and that was uncomfortable to think Jake would want to come with me after... yeah.

"It's ok babe... Are you cold?... Here take my jacket." He says taking of his jacket.

"No keep it, I don't want you to get too cold then sick." I say giving it back.

"I don't want you to get too cold then sick baby, Take it I'm wearing a hoodie anyway ok." He says passing his jacket to me.

"Ok if you insist" I say putting it on. He gets his phone out and snaps, "Oooo look at my girl comfy and warm" I just peace sign and smile.

We don't see much other than deer and rabbits. We walk back to camp and see the others making a fire.

"Help please, we don't know what to do this" Sam says.

I walk over and move everyone and use the lighter and set fire to the smaller sticks and then add a little bit bigger bits of wood till the fire was big enough.

We all sit around the fire and just talk. Sam has the camera on time-laps.

Word Count: 428 Words

Heyyyyy, I hope you like it. See you in the next one, Byeeeeeee

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