Chapter 42 - Visiting Laura

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1st November 2019

Colby's P.O.V

We all go to visit Laura. 

"Sorry but only family. the rest of you please wait here" The lady says.

So Laura's mum, dad and Corey go in. 

Corey's P.O.V

Mum, dad and I go in to see Laura.

"Hey. If she wakes up, let me know please" Colby says. I nod and continue walking.

Mum holds my and and clinches it in fear. We walk in her room and see her laying there like shes sleeping. 

I see mum wanting to cry. The doctor come in and says "Laura is gonna wake up any time this week but... when she does... she'll have some of her memory missing. We don't know what she'll remember".

Mum just sighs ready to cry. I stand next to her hugging her.

"The best you can do when she wakes up is just don't get in her face because it might confuse her" the nurse says and nods and walks out.

"I'm just gonna let Colby know." I say walking to Colby.

"I she awake" Colby shoots up and walks up to me I shake my head no and he looks down.

"The nurse said that when she wakes up she might have memory loss so we can't get in her face to try and remember... I just Jake is happy with what he's done." I say and Colby agrees.

I look and see Jake's Lawyer and an officer walk to Laura's room. I give Colby the look of I'm gonna check that out and Colby nods.

I walk into the room and Jake's Lawyer asks for answers.

"I'm really not happy with this case. I feel like the first lawyer to hate my side of the case... Anyway. What are the injuries?" He asks.

"She had a huge deep wound on the right side of head from the bat. I'm really surprised she is still breathing. She has bruises all over her body. She had rope marks on neck and wrists and stomach. She was bleeding at the chest, right leg and right hip. They found his semen in her, so he raped her as quick as he could. He did all this in 10ish minutes." I say.

"I really want Jake jailed for longer then 52 years... So it's been 3 months since this happened?"

"Yes. She's been in a coma... I just want my sister back" We talk for a while.

Word Count: 414 Words.

I hope your enjoying it. ttyl. byeeeeee xx

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