Chapter 22- Adventure

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4th July 2019

Laura's P.O.V

Today we celebrated 4th of July. We had a lot of people over. We had the Vlog Squad over. Everyone's friends and many more.

We all drank and watched the fireworks. David and his group went crazy but David and Jason were sober.

We all just had a good time.

12th July 2019 

Today Sam, Colby, Corey and Jake were leaving for The Stanley Hotel.  I told Colby to be careful because I need my boyfriend to come back safe and sound. I also told Corey to be safe because he's my brother and I love him.

I told Sam to be safe because he has a pregnant girlfriend to come back too and he needs to be there for her, I told Jake to be safe too because we all know what he's like when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Colby's P.O.V

Today the boys and I are going to Stanley Hotel. Laura is scared that I'm going, knowing that I might have something attached to me. 

Last night she cried because she doesn't want something bad to happen to any of us. She also didn't want to go because she wants to go to abandoned places.

We go put our stuff in the car and I look up to see Laura standing at the window looking very sad. I ask Sam if he still has that spare ticket and he nodded yes. 

"I'm gonna ask Laura one last time ok", I say and run inside.

Laura's P.O.V

The boys were putting there things in the car and Colby ran back inside, I think he forgot something. Then the door opens, "Laura", Colby says and I hug him.

"Sam still has the extra ticket, are you sure you don't wanna come. I'm there to protect you", he says.

"I wanna come with you. But. I'm scared", I say hugging him tighter.

"Look, I'm gonna be there, I'm gonna stay by your side. There's nothing to be scared of ok", He says hugging me in a comforting way.

"Ok let me pack in a small bag with a change of clothes" I say getting things together. I get changed into tracksuit pants and Colby's hoodie.

We walk down and get into the car. Colby drives and Sam is vlogging.

Starts Vlog- S- Sam, Cb- Colby, J- Jake, Cy- Corey, L- Laura

S- Hey guys so were now driving to the airport to go to Colorado.

Cy- I don't wanna do this anymore.

Cb- Too late were on the road now, no turning back now.

Cy- *whines*

J- It'll be ok brother.

Cy- *Looks at Jake mad and sad*

L- It's ok Corey, even I'm going so we'll have fun.

Cy- That's true.

Cb- Oh no we have the Scherer's, double trouble.

Cy- Hey! We aren't that bad.

Cb- Sorry I meant Laura Scherer.

L- Hey!

Cb, J, S, Cy- *Laugh*

S- We'll see you when were in Colorado.

End's Vlog

Word Count: 500 Words

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you in the next one. Ily Byeeee.

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