Chapter 23 - The Stanley Hotel

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12th July 2019

Laura's P.O.V

So we get on the plane and I'm next to Colby. I rest my head on Colby's shoulder and fall asleep. we have a 2 hour flight. 

We land and Colby wakes me up. "Hey, hey, wake up".

I rub my eyes and stretch. I get up and follow the boys to the baggage area. Sam calls an Uber.

We then are on our way to The Stanley Hotel. 


We arrive and Sam spots a broken window.

"What the actual fuck, No I wanna go home" I say already scared.

"Stop acting we all know your faking it all so you can get Colby's attention" Jake says.

"Shut up Jake, I know when she's bullshitting and when she's genuinely scared. Trust me, I've known her all her life." Corey says and Jake gets defensive.

"Shut up everyone, if she's scared she's scared ok, no need to get upset, jeez", Sam says breaking up the fight.

"Hey, no one's wearing green", Colby says.

"Um I am", I say.

"Were?", Colby asks, I just wink and smile.

"Your naughty", he says smiling and looking at me up and down, biting his lip.

"Ok, ok, get over your dirty thinking, I don't think the viewers wanna know any of that. Lets start with a small ritual before we check in", Sam says and I laugh then get scared at the word ritual.

"Um no thanks, lets just check in please", I say.

"We're gonna have to do it later so get used to it bitch", Jake says.

"Why are you being so mean to her, what did she do to you?" Colby asks hugging me.

"She stole my best friend from me, you never make time for me anymore." Jake says, and Sam stops recording.

"I didn't know you felt like that way." I said walking over to Jake to hug him.

"Don't touch me, you friend steeling bitch", Jake says really mad. I walk off.

"Laura this is no time or place to walk off. Come back", Sam says calling out.

Colby's P.OV

Laura walks off because Jake called her a friend steeling bitch. I run after her.

"Laura!" I call out.

"Go way Jake's right, I'm not a good person" She says, that broke my heart. I caught up to her and grab her hand to turn her around.

"Laura that's not true, Jake's just jealous because he doesn't have a gf. Lets go back and just enjoy the haunted hotel" I say hugging her.

We walk back and everyone's making jokes because the camera's on.

"Were did you two sneak off to" Sam says and winks so we can make a joke.

"No where" I say looking suspicious and hiding Laura behind me.

"Sure she wasn't giving you a blow?" Jake says laughing.

"W-what, N-no, what the fuck dude" I say pretending to blush.

Laura's P.O.V

"Ok now that we're all back, and together, let's do our ritual", Sam says and everyone starts to hold hands.

"Oh my god, I hate this so much" I say.

"Same bro", Corey says.

"It's ok Laura I'm here for you", Colby says. I look over and see Jake giving me a death stare.

"This is the start of The Stanley Hotel ok." Sam says

"Wait no ones wearing green" Corey says.

"We're in Colorado, There's green everywhere brother", Jake says.

"That's why the ghost like green" Colby says.

"Ok, ok, now lets just take a deep breath in and out.... Ohhhhh Stanley", Colby moans the last part making me laugh.

"Ring an round the rosy a pocket full of poesy, a tissue a tissue, the all fell down" We all sing and Sam goes up to the camera "Ouch, Jake slapped me and I just stabbed myself from the corner of the pillar thing".

"Sorry brother", Jake says helping Sam up.

"The first thing we did when we got here, is what the medium said. What did we just do. We made fun of it." Corey says.

"But its daylight", Colby says.

"We. Made, Fun, of the ghosts", Corey says.

"Do you think it's pissed already?" I ask.

"Yes", Corey says.

"Alright lets go", Sam says.

"Yes please", I say.

"I mean check in", Sam says.

"Oh I thought you meant home to LA", I say. Everyone laughs and we start walking.

"Welcome to The Stanley Hotel", Sam says.

"In my research I saw Shane Dawson came here, because remember there was that ghost thing over there", Colby says pointing to the stairs.

"Oh yeah", most of us say.

"There was also a bear that randomly came in here, and just walked around in the lobby." Sam says.

"It must have been a haunted bear." Jake says.

"I don't think it was a haunted bear. I  think it was just a bear." I say looking at him like he's an idiot.

 We then check in and the guy at the front tells us some stories about the hotel and photos that were taken and they captured things or ghosts.

"Can we go home, I hate this vibe." I say shitting myself and Colby hugs me and says "It's ok, I'm here, I'll take care of you." 

"Can we go for a walk or something please." I ask him.

"Let's just put our bags in our room and we'll go ok" He says.

They give us our key and we walk to our room. Jake finds wine glasses on the floor and drinks out of it.

"Ew Jake". I say making a gag reaction.

We walk through a room of mirrors and Corey says "Dude this is the vortex". "What do you mean?" I ask. "When two mirrors face each other that make a portal for the spirits. these mirrors are facing each other, apparently it's worse than the ouija board." he says

"This is where that famous photo was taken with the ghost." Sam says walking to where it was.

"Bro, there are. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 12... 13... 14. 14 mirrors just facing each other." Corey says.

Word Count: 1007 Words

Hey I hope you like this chapter, it's kinda a copy from the video just added with Laura. See ya later. Byeeeeee.

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