Chapter 32 - Uncle Elton

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25 July 2019

Laura's P.O.V

Elton has been looking out for me these past 2 days

"Are you ok Laura?" 

"Yeah, just a bit shaken up still. I don't want to leave this room" I say hugging him.

"We will find a way to kick him out."

"Aren't we moving out in like 2 weeks?" Colby says.

"Yeah but that's a long 2 weeks. Imagine all this happening to you. You would want them gone asap. I know I would. So I'm kicking him out tonight" Elton says.

He walks out and I hear a door slam open.

Elton's P.O.V

I push Jake's door open as loud as possible.

"Get the fuck out of my house you fucking rapist" I yell.

"You think it's gonna be that easy to get me the fuck out. Um I think not, so go try again later." Jake says.

"You fucking hurt my best friends girlfriend who is also my best friend. You mess with them you mess with me you motherfucker" I scream.

"You don't get it do you, she hurt me first, she took my friends away from me. I was left with nothing." Jake says.

"You were in her position too. You were the new boy. Everyone gave you attention. No one gave a crap about me but I didn't go up to you in middle of your shower and fuck you then cut you up. I just went ok. Lets all have fun. I took you all out on adventures." I say.

"Laura is just like Tara... So if you don't want anything bad to happen to her.... I'd leave if I was you." I say pointing to the door.

Jake then gets up packs his bags and gets boxes to clean out his room. 

Later that night he was gone. Out. Never to hurt Laura again.

I go  back to Laura.

"Hes gone now, His room is empty and there is only his bed. But he left this on his bed." I say giving her a note

Word Count 347 Words.

Heyyyyy, sorry it's short but the next few chapters will be short. There will be more adventure soon. Keep an eye out. Ily byeeee.

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