# Chapter 27- Hospital Part 2

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A/N If you don't like the thought of cutting or people starving themselves or rape. This is a warning for future chapters. This one has a little bit of that kind of stuff but if your not comfortable just skip through it. If it has # It has this kind of stuff. Ily enjoy.

12th July 2018

Colby's P.O.V

Sam calls me. I walk out and answer the phone.

C- Sup

S- Is Laura ok?

C- ...

S- Colby?

C- No

I burst into tears.

S- Dude. What's happened, do you want us to come over?

C- No, you guys need a video and we promise the fans. We'll talk about it after.

S- What's happened to Laura?

C- She looks lifeless and pale. She just looks lifeless. It's scary.

S- That's not good. Is it from the Hotel?

C- No, It's something else but I don't think she would want me to tell people. Corey told me.

S- Ok. We'll try to keep the video going.

C- By the way, who's Jennifer, you guys said you'll keep filming with Jake, Jennifer and you?

S- Oh we bumped into her and she knew who we were, we came from the same part of Kansas as us.

C- Oh ok. We'll I'm gonna get uber to the Hotel and get Laura, Corey and I's bags

S- Ok we'll meet you there

C- See you then

S- See you then, bye

C- Bye

I hang up and tell Corey I'm going to get our stuff and for him to stay with Laura for as long as he can.

I call for an uber and 5 minutes later it arrives.

It arrives to Stanley and I walk to the room. It's 6 pm. I text Sam that I'm at the room and I need the key. 20 minutes go by and Sam arrives with Jake and a girl, who I think is Jennifer.

C- Thanks Sam.

S- It's ok Colby. Laura is gonna be ok.

I just stand there looking down and tears forcing there way and I'm trying to hold them in.

S- Laura will be ok, the doctors and nurses know what they are doing.

C- I know. It's just what if I loose her. I won't be able to forgive myself.

S- Let's get in the room.

Jennifer- I'll go if you need me too.

Jake- I'll text you when we are planning to go to the hall again.

S- Bye Jennifer

Jennifer leaves.

S- So what's wrong with Laura. We'll keep it between us.

Sam looks at Jake like 'Aren't we' and Jake rolls his eyes and nods.

C- Ok. She... She... She has an eating disorder. Meaning she's anorexic, so she doesn't eat a lot of food and when she does is when she's out with friends and Christmas but she goes to the bathroom and pukes it up. She also cuts. Which doesn't help/

I tell them everything and say "We are going to take her home."

S- It's for her health. Jake and I will stay and get more footage. We might come back tomorrow or something.

J- What a bitch. Not eating much to get attention.

Sam and Colby- JAKE!

J- What?

S- We will kick you out of our house when we get back if you don't change your attitude towards Laura.

C- I agree with you Sam. Besides Corey wouldn't like to hear you still going on about Laura and being negative towards her.

Jake just rolls his eyes. 

C- Right, I'm going. I'm calling an uber. See you guys when you get home.

S- Bye Colby.

I grab the bags and leave. My uber arrives and she takes me to the hospital.

I arrive and walk to Corey. I see Laura is awake. Corey is holding her hand and I could see he's holding back all his tears.

Co- hey

L- colby...

She sounds lifeless

Co- how are you feeling?

L- i just wanna go home

Cr- the doctor says in a couple hours after some testing.

Co- but hey, i'm here now. we can go home soon.

She smiles faintly and looks tired.

Hours later the doctor comes in and says to take her home and rest. He gave us a lisd of foods for her. I call for an uber and we helped her into it.

We book a last minute plane trip to LA and we go home.

Word Count: 757 Words

Hiiiii, I hope you enjoyed reading this book. See you next chapter. Ily byeeeeee.

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