Chapter 17 - Swimming

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17th May 2019

Laura's P.O.V

After our Instagram moment, we walk to the waterfalls

LauraScherer's Story

The path to wonderland

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The path to wonderland

So we walk and we finally get there and it's the most gorgeous place I've seen. I put my towel on a rock and everyone does the same.

"Wow this place is beautiful" Devyn says and we all agree.

"I love this... What are we waiting for lets get in the water" I say walking to the water. There's a sign saying 'No Diving, Be Careful, Be Safe, hospital is an hour away, Alligators come out at 6pm'.

"No one be stupid we can't get to a hospital quick because it's an hour away. Don't hurt yourselves. and we should leave at 4" Elton says being an uncle.

We all get in and start swimming. I look around to see Colby's missing. "Where's Col...", I say and Colby swims under me and picks me up. "Ahh omg Colby", I say.

"You scared me", I say and he laughs moving his hair from his face.

"Your so cute not to do that tho", He says putting me down. He looked at me and smiled.  I look down and blush. He lifts my chin up and looks into my eyes and I look into his.

He looks down at my lips, smiles and look into my eyes again. He then goes in for a kiss. I lean into the kiss too. Our lips collide and we're there making out in the water where everyone can see us.

"Laura", He says


"I wanna ask you something"

"Sure ask away", I smile

"I know we've only known each other for 5 months but I've caught some serious feelings for you", He says causing me to blush and he noticed.

"So I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" He says holding my hands.

"Colby... I... I don't know what to say", I say in shock.

"What about... Yes Colby I would love to be yours" He says impersonating a girl causing me to laugh.

"Oh my gosh Colby", I say laughing.

"Yes Colby I would love to be yours", I say copying what he did. His smile grows bigger then his face and he picks me up and spins me and kisses me.

Corey's P.O.V

I'm being silly in the water with Devyn and she stops and sees Laura and Colby being silly too and Devyn says "Omg Corey look they are so cute together, don't you think?" She says. I look at them with so may different emotions, I'm mad on the inside, but I feel happy for my little sister. 

I tell Devyn "I'll be back, I'll get us all some food". She the says "I'll come with", and we both walk out and grab our towels.

"Where are you two going?" Sam calls out. "Were getting snacks and drinks. I know were gonna be here a while", I say and Sam nods and goes back to Kat.

Devyn and I start walking. 

"Sorry to point out about Laura and Colby", Devyn says grabbing my arm.

"It's ok. They deserve each other. If she's happy, I'm happy. I just, I don't know if I trust Colby. I know he's my best friend but like, Laura's my little sister and I love her. I don't wanna see her get hurt", I say and Devyn stops me and hugs me.

"I understand where your coming from, but you have to remember Colby is a nice boy and wouldn't use her." She says, which makes sense. I hug her and we continue to walk.

We get the food and drinks and walk back.

Laura's P.O.V

I see that Corey left and I thought it was because I kissed Colby.

"Sam where's Corey?" I ask

"He went to get some snacks and drinks", He says.

"Oh ok, I thought it was because I was... laughing with Colby", I say

"We all know you and Colby were making out, don't lie, we all can see," Sam says and I blush like crazy. He laughs at the fact that I blush at that.

"That's cute, your blushing. Colby look your girlfriend is blushing about something I said about you two", He says calling to Colby

"Shut up", I say pushing Sam and he falls in the water and I start laughing.

"That was rude" Sam says as soon as he got up. "Your getting it", He says pushing be but then Colby comes and helps me and Kat helps Sam.

"SHOULDER WARS", Colby calls out and gets under the water and puts me on his shoulders and Sam does the same for Kat.

"WE WIN", I shout. "No fair I slipped", Sam says. "We are the champions, my friend", Colby starts singing. He puts me down and kisses me.

Corey and Devyn come back with food and I run and get a slice of watermelon and some strawberries.

"Someone's hungry", Corey says. "Well you know when I swim I crave fruit", I say and Corey nods his head and agrees.

"We got our speaker too", Devyn says.

"My music please", Colby says and she gives him the speaker to connect it. He starts to play songs and we all dance and eat.

it's 5:50 pm and I go back in the water and Colby chases me in.

"I'm gonna get your cute ass", He says jumping in and tackles me in, I scream before my head is under water.

"COLBY", I gasp for air. "Your fine", He says laughing. "No something bit me", I say about to cry. "It was probably a stick scratch", He says. 

"GUYS! GET OUT ALLIGATORS", Elton screams and we swim a fast as we could. We all grab our stuff and run to the trail.

"I knew that wasn't a stick... Ouch my foot", I say as we slow down and I catch my breath.

"Laura your foot! Here *Wraps towel around bleeding foot* I'm so sorry I didn't believe you", Colby says hugging me. "It's ok Colby. We're ok now" I say hugging him back.

"Laura your loosing too much blood we need to get you to a hospital", Elton says picking me up and Colby grabs the stuff I was holding.

We get to our site and Elton says, "I'm gonna take her to the hospital, you guys stay here. I'll call if something happens." 

"I'm coming too", Colby says. "Fine only Colby. Sam, Jake, Corey, Devyn, Aaron, Katrina and Tori stay here and just try to relax", Elton says putting me in the car.

"We'll be back when they fix Laura", Elton says getting in the and starts the car. Everyone waves and he starts driving.

Word Count: 1166 Words

Hey, look, it's a long chapter. Don't expect more chapters like this. I hope you enjoyed. See your next chapter. Ily. Byeeeee

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