Chapter 19 - Lunch Then What?!

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28th May 2019

Laura's P.O.V

So it's been 2 weeks since we went camping and I'm still in my bandages and crutches. I'm not having fun but I love it cause Colby carry's me up the stairs so bed and he gives me kisses. 

So today we just stayed in our room and we talked on and on about video Ideas.

"Lets go out for lunch", He says. "I guess we should go out... Where though?" I ask.

"Olive Garden?"


We agree and he helps me get into my pants because I can't move my right leg, it's numb, it has been for 2 weeks. I think it's cause I haven't been on it in a while. Colby thinks the it's the Alligator when it bit me it could have been venomous and is trying to convince me to visit the doctor and get them to check it.

We get to Olive Garden and we get seated. We order food and eat and chat.

"OMG YOUR COLBY BROCK AND LAURA SCHERER", We hear a fan call out and run inside.

I clean my face and finish my mouthful of food. "Hello. Would you like a photo?" Colby asks and she nods like her head was gonna fall off.

We take a photo and she thanks us and leaves to go to her family.

We finish eating and as I get up I pass out.

Colby's P.O.V

We finish eating and Laura gets her crutches and tries to get up, but collapses. I run pick her up, someone grabbed her crutches for me and I put her in the car and start driving her to the doctors because I'm worried.

I get her to the doctors and carry her in, "HELP MY GIRLFRIEND PLEASE." I scream and a doctor finally brings me a hospital bed.

"She got bitten by an Alligator 2 weeks ago, we've been giving her this, *Hands him the sheet* and she just passed out when we were leaving lunch. She hasn't passed out like this before this is new.", I say panicking

"Don't worry sir we will figure this out and see what's going on", The doctor says. The nurse tries to take me to the waiting room but I don't want to, I want to be with Laura.

"NO I NEED TO BE NEXT TO HER. I NEED TO MAKE SURE SHE'S SAFE", I say trying to run but more nurses come to me and pull me back.

"Sir we will kick you out and you won't be able to see her." The nurse says and I stop. I need to see her, I can't not see her. Especially when this just happened.

"I promised her brother that I would take care of her and make sure she isn't in a lot of pain. He's been over my shoulder watching me, making sure I'm looking out for her. I can't loose my friend and my girlfriend", I say sitting on the chair near by with my head in my hands.

"Sorry Sir. Please walk with us to the waiting room. We understand your stressed and you need to make sure she's safe. But she's in safe hands with the Doctor." The lady says.

I start to tear up but wipe them away before anyone could see. I get up and start walking to the waiting room.

An hour goes by and the doctor finally comes out with Laura in a wheelchair.

"She's fine. The bite got infected but hopefully in 4 days the bite should be healed and she should come back so we can work with her to in her leg back." He says.

"Ok thank you. I'll bring you to the car" I say and walk him to the car. We pick her up and put her in the front seat.

Word Count: 656 Words

Hello. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next chapter. Byeeeeee

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