Chapter 18 - Hospital

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17th May 2019

Colby's P.O.V

We're in the car driving Laura to the hospital. "It hurts", She says crying. I crawl to the back. "Colby! don't do that ever again", Elton says and I roll my eyes.

"You'll be ok. I promise", I say sitting next to her. She moves so her head is resting on my lap and I start playing with her hair.

We arrive and I grab Laura and carry her inside.

"We need a doctor or someone to help her. An alligator bit her and she's bleeding like crazy. Please get someone quick!" Elton says to the receptionist. "Ok... CODE BLUE" She calls out and a man with a bed comes and signals me to put her on.

"You have any relation to this young lady?" He asks us. "I'm a friend", Elton says, "And I'm her boyfriend", I say and they let me come and tell Elton to stay. "will you tell me what happens?" he asks me and I nod.

"So from what we see is it's a nasty bite on her right leg and may need stitches", one man says and a woman takes the notes.

"She's passed out from blood loss. She's running a fever. She's sweating. Her right leg is turning purple. She is going pale." He says and it's all stressing me out.

"We can fix all this, don't worry", The nurse says, reassuring me.

"She'll be alright? right?", I ask. "Yes, If her body doesn't react to any medication.", She says.

"Just did a profile search on her. Laura Scherer is her name, she is 20 years old. She is allergic to nearly every medicine but panadol and nurofen... I know weird", The receptionist said to the doctor.

"As I said she should be fine", The nurse says and I know that's not good because you need more types of medicine but she can't.

They finally reach the surgery room and tell me to wait outside or walk back to the waiting room.

I walk back to Elton and tell him everything. He was just so shocked he didn't know what to say.

"The lady kept saying she'll be fine, She'll be fine. But I don't think she'll be fine", I say.

"She will be fine. They've probably worked on something like this before." Elton says.

"I just... I really like her and I just asked her to be my girlfriend and I want her. I just want her. She's perfect. She's kind. Loving. Sweet. Amazing. Funny. Goofy. Brave. Smart. She is just perfect." I say and a tear falls down my eyes.

"I know you like her. We all do. She likes you too. You guys are cute together. Don't put pressure on her. Don't loose her" He says making a really good point.

Elton messaged everyone that they will be here a while so make sure they have eaten and are ready for sleep or stay awake if they went.

2 hours later.

The nurse brings Laura out and Laura is still asleep.

"She should be fine. Keep her in a comfy bed and change the bandage every 5 hours. Give her this medication. We have gotten extra in case, because it's the only medicine she can have. If you ever need more, her is the paperwork, all you have to do is give this paper to the doctor and they'll get you the medicine." She says.

"We will give you crutches but for now you can take her to the car in the wheelchair", She continues and we nod and take her to the car. Elton gives the wheelchair back.

I set Laura on my lap and realize she'll be in a tent on an uncomfortable bed. I text Sam and hope he's still awake.

C-(Sam. You awake?)>

S- <(Yeah. Is Laura ok?)

C- (Yeah, we're coming home now, but you remember how we gave you and Kat the big comfy air-mattress?)>

S- <(Yeah, why?)

C- (The Nurse said she needs a comfy bed and I thought that's comfy maybe she can sleep on it until we go home.)>

S- <(Yeah, sure. I'll let Kat know that we're swapping tents.)

C- (Thanks bro)>

S- <(Np dude. Anything to keep Laura safe)

C- (Yeah. Tell everyone we'll be back soon)>

S- <(Ok, see you then.)

C- (Bye)>

S- <(Bye)

"We should be home by 9ish so we'll get food on the way. Text Sam again and ask if he's eaten", Elton says.

C- (Hey Sam sorry to annoy you again but have you all eaten?)>

S- <(Hey Colby, nah man we haven eaten. Why?)

C- (I think Elton is getting something on the way. Do you all want something?)>

S- <(Ok wait I'll just ask everyone first.)

C-(I think he's getting McDonald's because that's the closest thing atm.)>

S- <(Ok wait)

S- <(Ok so Aaron wants a McChicken with lemonade, medium. Tori wants Chicken nuggets with fanta, medium. Corey wants a quarter ponder with coke, Large. Devyn wants hotcakes and small chips with sprite. Jake wants a Big Mac with coke, Large. Kat wants 2 small cheeseburgers with small fries and a lemonade, small. And I want a quarter ponder with a fanta, Large. And everyone says thank you Elton and Colby)

C-(Wow. Ok. We are getting the food now. We'll be there in hopefully 20 minutes.)>

S- <(Ok, see you soon bye)



We get back and Laura wakes up.

"What did I miss", was the first thing she could say.

"Nothing. You missed nothing.", Corey says hugging her and crying.

We all hug her and eat. We all talk for a bit and we all go to sleep.

"Colby. I can't sleep", Laura rolls over and says.

"Wanna talk for a bit?", I ask

"If that's ok with you?"

"Yeah," I say and we talk for a bit until she falls asleep. Once she was asleep I fell asleep

Word Count: 747 Words

Hey, Hope you enjoyed it. See you next chapter. Ily. Byeeeee

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