Chapter 34 - Moving Out/Moving In

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8th August 2019

Laura's P.O.V

Today I chose to wear comfy clothes. So I got Colby's Playboy shirt and my black and red leggings. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a bit of mascara and I put on my favorite lip balm.

Today is the day we all move out of the Trap house. It's sad. These guys have been here for 2 years and I've only been here for 7-8 months but they have been memorable 7-8 months.

Jake came back to make a music video with the boys. Some of us are still mad at him and some of us don't wanna see him. But the fans don't know what happened but we have to fake it till we make it.

I stand in front of the doors and just stare into the now empty house.

"Hey you ok?" Corey asks.

"Yeah. These passed few months have been the best yes I've had ups and downs but we got through them together." I say turning around to hug him.

"Hey I know we all have new places but we all got them near each other. We can visit each other if you need." Corey says hugging me.

We just stay there for a good 5 minutes.

"Hey guys were going to take the keys back to the landlord... Coming?" Elton asks.

"Yeah... Lets go." I say walking to Colby's car.

Elton and Corey go take the keys back.


OMG OMG OMG OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU GUYS... Devyn and Corey broke up. I hate her now Corey has been telling me things happen for a reason, but that's the worst thing to happen to him. He deserve better.

I've been ignoring Devyn's messages and calls, her voicemails say she's sorry for hurting my brother but I don't think she's sorry.


Anyway Colby and I arrive to the apartment and the movers are there too, with all our stuff.

We get to our room and unlock the door so we can move everything inside.

2 hours later

We finish moving everything in and Colby and I are hungry.

"We don't have any food. Wanna order pizza?" I ask.

He just smirks and picks me up and places me on the bench and starts to kiss my neck.

"Colby..." I giggle.

"I know what I wanna eat" He smirks.

I wrap my legs around him and he wraps his arms around me.

Word Count: 436 Words

Hey, I hope you liked that. See you in the next one. Ily byeeeeee

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