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"Yah! Namjoon-ah! Give it back!"
It was a peaceful saturday afternoon when a tall boy by the name of jin started munching on a freshly made waffle. Well, peaceful until an even taller boy by the name of Namjoon decided to snatch said waffle out of his hands and take a big bite.

"But hyung, i'm hungry.." Namjoon pleaded.

Jin glared at his idiot of a best friend and reluctantly handed his beloved waffle over, a pout forming on his lips. Namjoon broke out into a wide grin,"Thanks hyung,"

Namjoon and Jin had met earlier on in the year. They went to the same school, were allocated the same class, and were even sitting partners. They quickly became friends through Jin needing constant help during english period, and how they had great chemistry with eachother. They spent many hours a day rambling on and on about complete nonsense, and shared many inside jokes that no one else could make sense of.

Jin was well known in school for never sharing his food with anyone, for the simple reason of wanting it all for himself. However whenever Namjoon begged for his food, Jin would give in and at least break of a piece for him to devour.

That is how Namjoon considered himself Jin's best buddy, through the simple act of sharing a daily necessity.

After Namjoon and gobbled up jin's entire waffle, the pair proceeded to walk over to the bus stop. They had planned the day before to take the bus to the library, and study for the english exam on monday: Jin's worst nightmare.

Although the ride to the library was only ten minutes, Jin still fell asleep, his head landing right on Namjoon's shoulder. The taller boy gazed at his hyung fast asleep, a smile creeping onto his face. "Ooh so cute.." he cooed, cupping his friend's cheeks with his hands, before realising what he had let slip out of his mouth. Alarmed, he jolted violently, waking Jin up in the process.

"Yah! Joon-ah.. I was having such a wonderful dream and you just had to wake me up!" he pouted, sticking his bottom lip out, causing a light red tint to form across Joon's cheeks.

"Ah.. s-sorry hyung," he stuttered, his face now a bright shade of red. Jin eyed his friend suspiciously, wondering what in the world could have happened while he was asleep. Unable to think of anything that made sense to him, he shrugged his ginormous shoulders and went back to sleep.


A couple tormenting minutes later, Joon and Jin had arrived at the library. Gathering their bags, Joon gently prodded Jin's forehead in an attempt to wake him up from his slumber. To his amusement instead of waking up, Jin simply shifted his body so that he was using Namjoon's lap as a pillow.

"J-Jin-hyung, we're here," he said as he lifted Jin off his lap, his voice still shaky. At the sound of his voice, Jin finally woke up, much to Joon's relief. He stood up and followed Namjoon out of the bus, his eyes lidded.

The walk to the library was unusually awkward. Namjoon kept his head down in an attempt to hide his embarrassment from his friend, the colour staining his cheeks refusing to go away. The gears in his brain were turning, as he pondered over why he had reacted that way to just his hyung resting his head on his shoulder, which was a regular occurance. His hands burned where they were in contact with his friend's face, as well as his own face which still displayed his embarrassment for all to see. He thought of all possible reasons to justify his actions and feelings, he just simply could not fanthom what on earth had gotten over him.

Flustered, he kept away from Jin as best as he could on the narrow path that they were walking along. He desperately didn't want Jin to notice his tinted cheeks, which would definitely be a big give away that something was up.

Jin noticed Namjoon' silence and quirked his brow. He had never seen Namjoon like this before, so quiet and awkward, and intentionally avoiding eye contact. As he observed his best buddy's strange behaviour, he realised that Namjoon's ears were a bright shade of red, much to his amusement. Namjoon was usually confident and talkative, and was never embarrassed about anything he did, even when he had tripped and fallen head first into a toilet bowl. In fact just a while ago he had been joking around as usual, and had even stolen Jin's food!

"Did i make him angry or something?" Jin muttered under his breath, sneaking another furitive glance at joon.

"Is he ignoring me?" he worried. Unsure of whether or not to confront Joon about it or not, he eventually decided to give him some time to get over whatever had happened and ask him about it later at the library.

However Jin being Jin, worried about whether or not something was bothering his friend. He couldn't help but be concerned, especially with Joon's sudden change of mood. He silently hoped that is wasn't himself who had caused this strange, unseen side of Namjoon to emerge.

Oh, if only he knew.


[a/n] heyheyheyy! sorry this isn't really good.. like i said this is my first time writing on here so, i'll improve i promise :)

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