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Kim Namjoon, why did you have to do this right here and right now?

Jin was a nervous wreck. He always was before an exam, but this time, there was something else besides the exam that was fueling his jitters.

The spot on his face that Namjoon had touched, it was hot to the touch, visibly displaying his now flushed complexion.

He was visibly flustered. His face gave it all away, even his facial expressions were ones of embarassment and... maybe even content.

This was bad. He couldn't let his true feelings show so obviously on his face! People would be sure to get the wrong idea if he practically wore his inner thoughts and emotions on his sleeve.

As for his hand? It was suffering too.

He could feel his right hand which was the one Namjoon had touched tingling and if it was even possible, heating up.

Like when you walk out of an airconditioned room into a very humid outdoor environment, your hands start to burn?

Just me? Okay.

Yeah, they've touched eachother before. Innocent brotherly slaps on the back, or even a hand on the shoulder.

But this?

It was somehow... different.

It felt more gentle and delicate. A gentle squeeze to his hand, it felt almost... loving.

In that moment, it was evident to Jin that Namjoon cared about him.

Not that that was new information.

But did guy friends usually touch eachother's faces or held eachother's hands?

Jin shook his head vigorously, as if the flow of thoughts in his head would be shaken loose and fall out of his head altogether.

Now was not the time to be thinking about stupid Namjoon pinching his right cheek, or holding his hand like it was a bubble that he couldn't bear to burst.

Jin couldn't help it though.

As the neon teacher gave out the exam scripts, Jin's mind focused on only one thing.

Or rather, one person.

"Damn you Namjoonie, what have you done to my mind? It's going crazy." Jin muttered under his breath.

This was bad, he needed something to bring him back to the reality of the situation he was in so that he would be able to focus on the more pressing problem ahead.

He instinctively turned his head slightly to the left, towards the seat about a meter away from his where Hoseok sat.

He could always turn to his best friend of many years for advice and reassurance.

As Jin shifted his line of vision to Hoseok, he caught a glimpse of the cause of all his current problems.

Jin's eyes flicked a little more over to the left to Namjoon. He noticed a small stuffed animal keychain hooked onto
his pencil case.

It was the keychain he had given to him on valentines day, when he hadn't received any chocolates, stuffed bears or any other form of valentine gifts from anyone.

They were walking to a shopping mall that was near their school after an eventful day in school.

Or at least, an eventful day in school for Jin.

At least ten girls came up to Jin and confessed their feelings to him. when Jin noticed that Namjoon didn't seem to be carrying any valentines day presents. He didn't seem to be very bothered by that, but Jin felt guilty anyway.

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now