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"I think I actually might have passed!"

Namjoon felt a wave of relief wash over him as Jin jumped up and down with pure happiness in his eyes. All the other times after an english exam, Jin would come out half way through a panic attack. It was honestly worrying for Namjoon to see his best friend get so anxious over a bad paper. When he had first gotten to know Jin, he thought that Jin's parents were very strict about marks, or that they had horrible punishments waiting for Jin at home if he did poorly for an exam. Maybe they were even abusive! However, when he asked Jin about it, Jin revealed that exams just really stressed him out. English exams in particular. He never scored well for english ever since his first english exam. It never really used to bother him much when he was younger, but now that he was older and he knew a lot more about the world and how it worked, he realised that english was a very important language that he had to master in order to be successful. He also became painfully aware that his ability to speak english was no where near as good as that of his classmates, which he couldn't help but feel self-concious about.

However when he graduated to highschool and met Namjoon when he was assigned as his sitting partner, that was when he really started beating himself up about his poor english skills. He envied Namjoon's knowledge and ability to speak english fluently and coherently, and constantly compared himself to him. Even though he knew very well that language was not something you could learn overnight, he still compared every grade that he got on every english worksheet, quiz and exam to Namjoon's grades. Every english assignment was a great challenge to him, but seemed to be a walk in the park for Namjoon. He also knew that he could have just asked Namjoon for help when he struggled, but he was just far too shy and timid. Back then, he didn't have any friends except for Hobi who was his friend from grade school. Naturally, he had stuck with Hobi throughout the years leading up to highschool because he never saw the need to make new friends. Especially since he wasn't particularily good at making new friends either.

This caused him to be very quiet around other people. He never dared to ask Namjoon about the work they had to do that he couldn't comprehend. It didn't help that Namjoon looked very intimidating on the outside.

Jin hoped that Namjoon would notice him struggling one day and offer his help, so that he wouldn't have to initiate the conversation.

Thankfully, that day finally came.

It was a wednesday morning at around 10:00 am. Jin had basically given up on the fifth worksheet that had been given out that day. He had put his head on the table, and was cradling his head with his arms.

He felt a finger tap his shoulder.

"Um.. do you need help?"

Jin stared up at the owner of the finger in disbelief.

"Honestly I noticed you've been struggling with english since day one.. but you never asked me to help you out so.. I just assumed you were fine." Namjoon rambled nervously, desperate to break the awkward silence. He never usually became flustered like this, it was just something about this boy that made his heart flutter now that he was looking at him.

"A-Actually, y-yeah! I-I needed some h-help.." Jin stammered, shaking slightly as his nerves took over his body.

"Do I look that scary? You're all nervous and everything.. I try to look more carefree and friendly but it's really hard to change my, y'know, my natural facial expressions." Namjoon asked, the same tinge of nervousness laced in his voice.

"N-no! I-It's not that! I-I just get really n-nervous around new p-people." Jin explained, as best as he could without his voice quivering.

Namjoon's shoulders seemed to relax after he said that, as if a weight had been lifted off them.

"I'm not very good at um making new friends actually.." Jin added.

Namjoon put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I can be your friend. To be honest, I haven't really gotten to know anyone here yet. Probably because everyone's busy ogling over the popular people." Namjoon chuckled, lightening the mood tremendously.

Jin looked up at Namjoon with eyes that showed all the gratitude he could gather from every inch of his body, and a smile that made Namjoon's mood even brighter.

"Thankyou!" Jin gushed.

Namjoon smiled.

"Um, so about the worksheet.."

"Oh! Right!"


"Hello?? Earth to Namjoonie?"

Namjoon didn't even realise he was in a deep thought about how he had first gotten to know the beautiful human being by the name of Kim Seokjin who was right in front of him until the Kim Seokjin taking over his mind waved his hand in front of his face.

He bit the hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" Jin hollered in mock alarm.

"For interrupting my daydreaming of yo- I mean.." Namjoon stuttered, nearly letting some very top secret information slip.

"I-It's pay back from when you bit my arm on Saturday!" Namjoon countered. He was quite proud of himsef for his quick cover up. Jin didn't suspect a thing!

"Hmph, fair enough." Jin pouted.

Namjoon had the sudden urge to pinch Jin's puffed out cheeks. But he controlled himself.

Jin slipped his arm through Namjoon's.

"Let's go get korean barbeque! My treat!" Jin exclaimed, his energy fueled by the thought of food.

[a/n] oh my gah i havent updated in way too long! sorry about that.. i actually wrote about half a chapter about 4 days ago, but i ended up deleting everything because it was too cringey :/ i'll try to update more frequently :)

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now