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Namjoon slumped against the backrest of his chair. He felt bloated from eating too much.

"Mm.. that was lovely." Jin commented, gesturing towards the greasy, empty plates that adorned the table. Jin loved himself a good barbeque and quality time with his best friend. The combination of the two was pure bliss straight from heaven.

Although, Jin and Namjoon had been so engrossed in their conversation about the english exam and about how they were going to potentially murder their english teacher for setting such mind boggling questions in the exam, that Namjoon's sudden mood swing from earlier was almost completely forgotten.


As the only person on the planet that knew Namjoon inside and out, Jin could tell that whatever had been bothering Namjoon earlier was still lingering in his mind, and bugged him the entire time they were shamelessly gobbling up their food.

He wouldn't lie, at first he just assumed that Namjoon was just being irritated because of the intense heat of the oh so great outdoors, and the merciless sun glaring down at them from the sky. But that theory was proven wrong when they entered the cooling airconditioned barbeque restaurant, and Namjoon's anger had not simmered down. His sudden and unexplained grumpy mood bothered Jin to no end, but soon Namjoon seemed to have gotten over whatever had clouded his mind with rage and returned to his normal self.

However, every 10 minutes or so, Jin could swear he could see some kind of toxic emotion flash through Namjoon's eyes for just a spilt second. He couldn't figure out what that emotion was exactly, but that didn't stop him from worrying. Usually if something was bothering or irritating Namjoon, he would be either slamming things on the table, or openly venting to Jin about his troubles. Even if Jin himself was the one annoying him, Namjoon would still go off like a bullet train to him and let Jin have a piece of his mind.

Whatever was bothering Namjoon must have either been entirely insignificant, or so intense that he was unable to express his feelings. Kim Namjoon never kept quiet about his opinions.

This weird dark aura surrounded him that emitted that specific emotion that Jin just could not identify. The fact that Namjoon hadn't said a word about what or who caused his displeasure was to be honest, slightly scary. Even though Namjoon could be absolutely terrifying when he was angry, at least you knew exactly what was affecting him so much and could then fix your mistakes or help him through his pain.

Usually if Namjoon started getting irritable, Jin would just out-right ask him what the matter was. But this time, Jin was hesitant. He never really saw this side of Namjoon very often. Actually, this was the first time he had ever gotten the chance to see Namjoon like this.

Jin hated it when people were visibly bothered by something and were letting it affect their mood. He always felt the need to make sure that everyone was okay, especially Namjoon, who had more than a few family problems at home. They never talked about that much, but it was an unspoken understanding on Jin's part that Namjoon's parents breathed down his neck about a lot of things like grades. They probably meant well, but they expressed their concerns for Namjoon the wrong way. Namjoon used to get beaten for getting anything less than an A for any of his subjects. Even now that he was 17 years old, his father still threatened to give him a beating if his already amazing results faltered even just a little.

One thing about Namjoon's father was that he never went back on his word.

Despite his concerns, Jin decided that it would be best to leave Namjoon to his thoughts for now. He didn't know whether he would end up worsening his mood if he intervened.

"Jin-hyung, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

Oh no.

Oh deary me.

Sometimes, he really needed to keep his mouth shut.

"You were making heart eyes at me~" Namjoon teased, an almost smug smile annoyingly plastered onto his face.

He was? No! That couldn't be. He wasn't looking at Namjoon's charming eyes, perfect lips and adorable dimples at all!


"You're just envying his beauty." Jin reminded himself.

He cringed as the word beauty flashed in his mind.

"W-what? No! I wasn't!" Jin spluttered indignantly as blood rushed to his face and formed what we call a blush.

Namjoon simply gazed into his eyes, as if he was slowly tearing down the walls Jin carefully constructed around what he was trying to convince himself he wasn't going through: a crush.

To any normal and functioning human being, they would immediately accuse Namjoon of staring at them, or of just being incredibly creepy. But Jin wasn't quite a functioning human being at the moment. In fact, he felt quite like a statue. He was frozen to the spot, his mouth hanging slightly open. If Namjoon thought he was making heart eyes at him before, he defintely was now.

Jin's mind was screaming for him to break eye contact, to leave the restaurant before he melted under Namjoon's harsh yet almost loving gaze.

But his eyes were frozen too, they were glued to Namjoon's own deep brown ones.

Speak! Say something! Don't just stare at him, you're being too obvious!

Jin felt like an internal battle had taken place inside his body between his mind and his eyes.

His eyes just refused to budge!

Is this what people called awestruck?

Maybe. Namjoon's eyes were really, really beautiful.

How come he was only realising that now? They had spend many hours lying together on the grass outside Jin's house at night, staring up at the stars. And maybe even at eachother. Jin knew those eyes inside and out just like he knew the owner of them, they were familiar and comforting. They turned almost black when Namjoon raged, almost a honey brown when Namjoon was happy, and what Jin loved the most: they turned a mysterious shade of chocolate brown when Namjoon was in deep thought. But Jin had never seen Namjoon's eyes like this before. They were a honey brown with a slight tinge of darkness. Not dark from rage but, something else.

Jin didn't know what that something else was, neither had he seen this particular shade of darkness before.

It left him feeling unsettled, nervous, slightly excited? All those shades of brown blending together gave Namjoon's eyes this loving look. Like he was admiring Jin fondly, like the sight of Jin before him gave him reassurance or happiness.

How was it that Namjoon had seemed so vulnerable and bothered just moments before he became like this? Jin was supposed to be asking him about what had been angering him, not shaking at the knees as Namjoon practically stared into his soul.

Which felt almost magical.

Jin always thought authors and storytellers were exagerating or dramatising for the sake of making a story interesting when they wrote about how ones heart would start beating out of their chest, or of how one would start feeling nervous when that special someone looked at them just like Namjoon was looking at him.

Now he knew better.

And did he just admit to himself that he had feelings for Namjoon?

"Jin?" Namjoon asked, a slight quiver of uncertainty ruining his confident facade just a little.

Jin felt his heart do leaps and pirouhettes in his chest as Namjoon regarded his name with a certain cautiousness and fondness.

Maybe he really did have feelings for Namjoon.

Maybe, just maybe.

[a/n] hello! i know updates are really slow, but hopefully their better? my exams are over now, so i'll be able to update more frequently :) hope you're enjoying the story so far! Thanks for reading <3

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