21 pt1

32 4 2

this isn't a full chapter. it's sort of like a connector to the next chapter? i'm not sure how to accurately explain this, but hopefully, you'll see what i mean.


Beads of sweat trickled down my face, from my forehead, to the tip of my chin. Dust filled my nose and covered the palms of my hands in a thick layer.

It was cold outside, the first winter winds were beginning to blow. Gusts of icy cold wind blew into my room through the windows that I had left open.

Why was I sweating then?

Maybe because I was lying, chest down, on my bedroom floor, desperately trying to fit my head through the gap between the floor and the bed like a lunatic.

With the window way above where I lay, the cool breeze from outside blew directly over my head, missing me completely.

Besides that, with my head underneath my bed, all I could breathe in was incredibly stale and stuffy air, nothing like the cold, refreshing winds from outside.

Getting the notebook out from under my bed was once again proving to be an unpleasant task.

Despite these unfortunate circumstances, I powered on. After all, I was almost there.

Just a little further... stretch out just a little more and...

I think it should be right over there- jesus! Is that a spider web?

My outstretched fingers brushed against something, soft and silky. It didn't seem to want to leave my hand, clinging to it by it's wispy, and apparently, sticky, threads.

I flailed my hand frantically, shivering as my imagination played an image of a spider crawling up my hand, angry at me because I had destroyed it's home.

After I was sure that I had gotten every single remnant of the spider web off my hand, I continued on my search.

My hand touched something flat, and slightly cardboard ish.

Could it be? After all this time, had I finally found the notebook?

I pinched the cardboard like material between my thumb and pointer finger, peeling it back and feeling for paper underneath.

The pads of my fingers touched the surface of something that seemed to be more matte than glossy.

It couldn't be plastic or glass, but neither was it cardboard. It was too textured to be a cardboard box. That meant it could only be...

My fingers moved over to the edge of the object and dug into it's side. The corner of a really thin material flicked up with it, making an all too recognisable sound.

The sound of a page being turned.

Yes! Paper!

I had found the notebook at last!

Quick as a flash, I pinched the notebook tightly between my fingers. In my excitement, I yanked my arm back violently. My logic was that this would dislodge it from behind the shoebox, and hopefully bring it out from under my bed, all in one movement.

It worked, but not without me hitting my elbow on the bed frame. Really hard, due to the speed my arm was going at.

I winced at the impact. Despite the pain shooting up my arm in painful sparks, I knew better than to drop the notepad, pull out my arm and nurse the pain away. There was no way I was losing track that notebook again.

With a grunt from me and an puff of dust from my bed, the notebook emerged from under my bed.

I sighed in relief, my hands dropping to my side as I sat up and leaned against the nearest wall I could reach.

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now