15 1 0

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Namjoon stood there in disbelief, Jin's grip on his arm the only thing keeping him on planet earth. In his dreams, Namjoon had imagined himself answering the question smoothly, adding a charming drawl to his voice as he would have answered, "I thought you would never ask."

Instead, he felt the muscles in his face go slack, resulting in God knows what kind of expression as that question hung in the air between them. Instead of effortless charisma, his words fell gracelessly out of his mouth in a bewildered spurt.

"Are you really-"

In his defense, he wasn't expecting Jin to turn the question on him. Especially after gently yet painfully declining him before.

Before his bravery could escape him, Jin cleared his throat and straightened his back almost defiantly. It probably was defiance with which he squared his wide shoulders. Defiance against his instincts screaming at him to retreat, to let his life slip through his fingers all over again just because he was scared.

"Yeah. yes." he confirmed firmly, despite the violent hammering of his heart against his chest. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered whether Namjoon could feel it too, as his heart seemed to be struggling against his ribcage towards him, wanting so badly for Namjoon to see all this feeling, that had been fluttering inside him all this time, wanting desperately to be freed.

And also wanting him. So badly that Jin could feel his breath coming in nervous inhales.

Namjoon finally seemed to break out of his trance. Although he was no less stunned charmless, Jin's posture visibly lost some of it's tension when Namjoon's big, warm hand joined his on his arm.

"Really?" a smile started to tug at the corners of Namjoon's lips, dimples and all, nothing but delight written in his eyes.

Well, delight and affection. So much affection.

And Jin wanted nothing more than to drown in it, to bask unabashedly in the love that Namjoon so willingly gave to him.

Jin slid his hand off his arm, taking Namjoon's with him. Slashing his fears to pieces with his metaphorical sword, he slipped his hand into the toasty embrace of Namjoon's, flushing a little at the contact but otherwise standing his ground.

"You still haven't answered my question."

Namjoon lifted their intertwined hands, holding them up to the dwindling light of the setting sun to get a better look.

Wordlessly, he brought Jin's hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles delicately, not even trying to hide a toothy and very dimply grin.

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

Jin heaved a sigh of relief, his hand going slightly limp in Namjoon's as his heart finally stopped quivering so anxiously.

Still clasping Jin's hand tightly in his, Namjoon opened his arms, lifting their hands high in the air for everyone to see. Jin couldn't help the big smile that made him shine like the brightest star in the sky in Namjoon's eyes, as he realised that the lurch of his heart wasn't from the fear of being seen, but from an overpowering urge to run straight into his open arms.

And so he ran.

It wasn't a long distance in the slightest, so the speed at which he flew towards him knocked him a step backwards as he barrelled into his chest. A breathy laugh slipped effortlessly from Namjoon's mouth when he wrapped his arms around Jin's waist and shoulders, holding him against his chest and nearly getting a mouthful of his fluffy hair.

The clock ticked to 6pm as he leaned down to rest his chin on Jin's shoulder. The streetlamp hovering above their heads lit up, casting them in a warm glow, illuminating them as they clung to each other, fitting together like their own little puzzle, neither one worried about who walked past.

"Am I dreaming?" Namjoon asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he pulled away from
his shoulder to look at him. At Jin... his boyfriend.

Jin looked happier than ever when he assured him, "I'm afraid not. I think I really have fallen for your dumbass."

Neither of them ever thought it was possible to smile so much, as Namjoon's eyes crinkled into crescent moons and he pulled Jin impossibly closer. He gently touched their foreheads together, shifting his gaze to look deep into Jin's warm, brown eyes.

"You think? That's not very reassuring."

In deep contrast to how he had just declared his feelings for him, Jin glared at him menacingly.

Or at least he tried to, because Namjoon still found him dangerously adorable.

"I hate you. I just confessed to being in love with you!" Jin whined, landing a smack on Namjoon's arm even as he tucked his head into his chest.

"You're in love with me?" a teasing voice inquired, centimeters away from his ear.

"I- yes, I am! Deal with it." Jin retorted, his full lips forming a familiar pout as he emerged from his hiding place to stare him down.

Namjoon just looked. Admired Jin's lips which pouted so endearingly, the red tips of his ears, the star-struck look in his eyes as he held his eye-contact unwaveringly, no longer shying away from his gaze.

"I'll deal with it just fine."

Suddenly, he leaned in a lot closer, shielding Jin from the glow of the streetlamp
overhead. Jin felt his heart fluttering wildly again as if the dimness of his shadow against the light was their own private bubble.

His breath hitched as gentle fingers parted the hair covering his forehead, and Namjoon's hand cradled the back of his head. He couldn't help but close his eyes as he felt soft lips touching the tingling skin on his forehead, lingering in a tender kiss.

He closed his eyes as he felt them. Namjoon's lips pressing tenderly on his forehead, leaving a searing brand on his tingling skin before moving to his left cheek, and then his right, and then the tip of his nose. To no one's surprise, Jin's ears were bright pink. Yet, he caught Namjoon off guard when he maintained eye contact with him when he finally answered the burning question.

His face was on fire, and his beating heart boomed louder than ever in his ears. Namjoon's undivided attention was seriously starting to become addictive, and he wanted more of it, even if it meant he turned into a blushing mess every single time.

There was a certain fire burning in his eyes when he tilted his head up, bracing himself by holding onto Namjoon's arms to lift himself just a little higher.

Namjoon was rendered immobile as Jin pressed their lips together, in a kiss so gentle yet full. Overflowing with longing, and a long-concealed love that broke all the fragile platonic boundaries that maybe... were never meant to be there at all.


oh my god it has been so long.

i had a national exam to take and after that was over i felt extremely burnt out. i'm so sorry it has taken this long for me to come out with another chapter. this story has dragged on for far too long, but don't worry! it's coming to an end very soon! thank you for anyone who has waited for an update for this long T^T

i'm determined to finish this book before school starts again on the 7th of february. stay tuned for the long overdue final chapter of 'A Sudden Realisation'! thank you for reading 💞✨

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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