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Namjoon was back to his completely normal self. It was as if the incident on the bus had never fazed him. He acted like his usual carefree self, slinging his arm around Jin's shoulders and talking about everything and anything under the sun.

Jin on the other hand, was struggling. Forcing a laugh when Namjoon threw shade at one of their hated teachers as he usually did.

Every time Namjoon would put his arm around him, he would flinch just a little. He had no idea what was going on with him. This wasn't the first time Namjoon had slung his arm around him like that but yet it still sent the butterflies in his stomach into a flutter. A slow sinking feelings settled in the pit of his stomach as he realised he could really be having a crush on his best friend. His face turned a ghostly shade of white and his lip began to tremble.

"This can't be! I'm straight! I am definitely straight! Right?" he panicked.

"No but, I've thought a guy looked handsome before.. Nonono that was just me being envious of their looks. I'm straight." he reassured himself whilst fidgeting with his crooked fingers.

"All guys think other guys are good looking. But it doesn't mean their attracted to them! "Yes, I'm just jealous of Joonie's looks and qualities. That's it." he said to himself firmly, pressing his lips together as his forehead creased with a slight frown.

"Hyung where are you going? Your house is right here," Namjoon chuckled as he watched his best friend walk straight into his neighbour's garden fence, right past his own house.

The broad shouldered boy had been so deep in his thoughts that he had completely forgotten about his surroundings.

Jin flinched at Namjoon's voice as his mouth formed an "oh" shape before he turned on his heels and started walking towards Joon, his eyes darting all over the place unsure of where to look.

"God damn it Kim Seokjin it's just Namjoonie! Calm yourself!" he mentally berated, a habit of his. With a sudden burst of courage, he lifted his chin meaning to look Namjoon dead in the eye. Only to realise that his friend was looking right back at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

What the even heck.

He had seen those eyes a million times before, how could they be the most beautiful eyes ever only now? Fortunately before he could give it a second thought, he puffed up his chest and told himself firmly, "Jealousy.", before smacking Namjoon on the back and walking into his house.

"Well done Jin," he praised himself. A proud smirk appearing on his face.

He would not let Namjoon bother him anymore. Or at least he would try to.

Little did he know, he had left Namjoon in a state of confusion. When Jin had turned around to face him, he had been wearing the most anxious look on his face he had ever seen on him. Shortly after that he abruptly flicked his head upwards, boldly making direct eye contact, before his face softened as his resolve seemed to melt. Concern lining his forehead, he was just about to ask him if anything was bothering him, when Jin suddenly walked briskly towards him and gave him a back slap, completely back to normal.

Namjoon blinked a few times as he processed what he had just seen. The gears in his head turned as he tried to make sense of his best friend, who he could usually read in a single look.

Confused, he stepped onto the doorstep that led into Jin's house. The light aroma of freshly baked bread wafted out of the little house as he pulled opened the front door. Namjoon breathed in the heavenly scent as his tummy let out a loud growl. From where he was standing just a few steps inside the small but cozy house, he could see Jin's mother in the kitchen. She wore a red checkered apron, and was bent over the oven as she pulled out a fresh loaf of bread. Jin stood a square tile away from her, rummaging around the fridge.

As Jin turned around to place some butter from the fridge onto the kitchen counter, he noticed Namjoon staring at the bread his mom was holding, his mouth watering and his stomach rumbling embarrassingly loud. Jin couldn't help but stare at the hungry expression on Joon's face. It was cute.

"No! It's not! I-I'm just jealous of his facial features! Yes! Jealousy!" Jin internally screamed. Focusing back on the fact that his 17 year old friend was staring at the bread like a four year old.

It was hilarious, Kim Namjoon the tough guy drooling at the sight of food like a child.

Like Jin, actually.

Jin burst out laughing, his signature contagious windshield wiper laugh echoing around the relatively small kitchen. Soon, he had his mother throwing her head back and chuckling as Namjoon's stomach growled louder and louder. Namjoon's ears had turned red once again from embrrassment. But soon his entire face was as red as a tomato as he too started roaring with laughter, the result of Jin's ever so infectious laughter getting to him.

"HAHA Namjoonie! Come here! You can have some!" Jin managed to splutter between fits of giggles.

Namjoon's eyes lit up as he rushed over to Jin's Mom, who broke off a piece of the bread and fed it to him, a bright smile on her face.


After another fifteen minutes of laughing over Namjoon's character slip-up and a quick snack on the bread, the two best friends raced upstairs to Jin's room. They always fought over who would get to study on Jin's very comfortable bed, and who would have to study on the floor since Jin's room was too small to fit a desk. They pushed and shoved their way up the stairs, both desperate for the comfy bed and to win their little competition.

"Yah! Jin-ah! That hurts!" namjoon half yelled half laughed as his best friend in the entire world bit onto his arm.

Yeah, a highschooler biting his fellow friend who was also in highschool on the arm. Not something you see everyday.

However despite Jin's attempts to take over Joon, Namjoon stayed in the lead and took his prize: the bed. Much to Jin's dismay.

"Argh!" he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and claiming his unfortunate spot on the floor.

With a smug smile, Namjoon stuck his tongue out at his hyung of a few months and proceeded to read his english notes that he had already laid out all over Jin's bed.

Making sure to sigh extra loudly, Jin did the same. Leaning against the wall and propping his textbook up on his knees. Mentally cursing that irritating friend of his who lay on his bed just a few inches away from him. His bed.

"Hmph, my butt's already aching," Jin pouted, erupting a chuckle from Namjoon.

For the next two hours the two focused on their study materials just like they usually did. It was as if something had broken the weird trance Jin had been in earlier and everything went back to normal.

It was probably Jin's laugh.

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now