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After many enjoyable conversations at Jin's house as usual, Namjoon regretfully made the return trip back to his own home. He could feel the happiness fading away from him bit by bit every step he took away from the little shophouse.

Every step he took away from Jin.

It was a peaceful walk home, there was a slight breeze and the birds were chirping as they returned to their nests. The sky glowed a light shade of pink as the sun began to set.

He always made a detour to the beach on his way home. The sound of the waves hitting the sand soothed him. Whether he was in the best of moods or the worst, he would always lay down on the cooling sand everyday without fail. Most of the time he would simply stare at the beautiful scenery and allow his mind to go over the activities that had taken place that day, other times he would come prepared with something to ponder over.

Today was one of those days.

He cupped his cheek with his hand and traced words in the sand.


Namjoon smiled as he remembered that he was the only person who Jin allowed to address him as Seokjinnie. He took it as a great honour, especially because even Hobi who had been Jin's best friend from grade school wasn't allowed to do so.


Namjoon sighed at the name. To him, Jin was someone he could always rely on and trust. He would listen to his family problems and give him good advice. If he wasn't able to, in the very least he would give Namjoon a hug and assure him that everything was going to be alright.

Everytime he thought about his best friend, a smile would creep onto his face.

Everytime someone mentioned the name 'Jin', it was because he had done them a favour or had simply been nice to them. Everyone spoke highly of him, there just wasn't anything bad about him to gossip about.

Namjoon couldn't help but grin whenever he overheard people talking highly about Jin.

He felt so lucky to be his friend.

His best friend.

Namjoon couldn't help but beam at the name he had traced in the sand four times. Was that weird? Best friends think about eachother all the time right? And write their names in sand and stuff...

That sounded like something a couple would do.

What would that be like? Him and Jin a couple..

"Argh! Nonononono!" Namjoon yelled for the second time that day.

Or was it the third?

He couldn't remember.

Namjoon smacked the back of his head as his face felt like it could burn through metal.

He couldn't be thinking like this!

He shouldn't be thinking like this.

What would Jin think? If he ever found out, would he distance himself from him? No! Namjoon would never be able to deal with that. Jin held a very important place in his heart, if he disappeared, no one would ever be able to fill it in.

The place of a best friend. of course.

"It's nothing more." Namjoon assured himself. Even as he did, he doubted himself.

He knew himself best, and he had never ever reacted this way to anyone before. He had never had this much admiration for someone before. Never before had he loved the prescence of someone to this extent.

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now