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"Hm? Namjoon-ah, why are you so grumpy today?" the sunshine asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"Oh? Namjoonie? What's wrong?" Jin followed.

Namjoon immedietely snapped out of his train of thought at the sound of  the two familiar voices laced with concern. He had been so immersed in his thoughts of jealousy and spite that he didn't even realise that the conversation between Jin and Hobi had ceased, and that they were now both staring at him intently.

Well... to answer their question, he was definitely not in the best of moods.

But if he admitted that he was indeed in a bad mood, Jin and Hobi would ask him why. Not to be nosy, but simply because they cared about him and would want to know what had caused his sudden change of mood.

But they certainly could not know the reason behind this particular mood swing.

Not ever.

Namjoon fiddled with his fingers as he tried to think of a reasonable answer that wasn't too far fetched. Thinking on his feet was difficult enough, the fact that Jin knew him really well and would likely see through any lie he concocted within seconds wasn't much help.

"Um.. I was just worrying about the exam tomorrow."

Aha! Perfect! It would only be normal for anyone to be stressed and therefore not in a great mood before an exam right?

"But, isn't it the literature paper tomorrow?" Jin countered.

Oh no.

Oh deary me.

"You always ace literature! What can you possibly be worried about?" Jin laughed, resting his hand on Namjoon's arm. A habit that he always had, ever since they became close, and that Namjoon had gotten used to and found rather comforting.

So why was this small, normal action of affection from Jin making his heart race?

But that was besides the point.

Thankfully, Jin didn't seem to be expecting a reply to his question and proceeded to pull Namjoon by the hand into the restaurant they had been queueing outside of for the past 10 minutes as their queue number flashed on the number board. Namjoon felt ashamed of himself for this, but a small part of him hoped that Hobi wouldn't be joining them.

Okay, maybe not a small part of him. Maybe half of him.

Or maybe he just really, really hoped that Hobi wouldn't be joining them. Because if he didn't, he would be able to carry out his plan with no interruptions, and probably successfully.

The plan to impress Jin of course.

Namjoon almost facepalmed himself as another way of phrasing his plan popped into his mind:

The plan to sedu-

Woah woah woah. Calm yourself Namjoon, you've been reading too many romance novels.

Shaking himself out of his embarrassing thoughts, Namjoon braced himself for Hobi's bright, happy voice asking whether or not he could accompany them, getting ready to wince in agony if that really were to happen.

Suddenly, a rather unpleasant thought came to him.

What if Jin himself asked Hobi to join them?

That wouldn't merely just be annoying.

It would hurt just a little bit, but just enough to throw Namjoon into a state of misery.

"Hoseokie! Do you want to eat with us?" Jin hollered.

Namjoon could just feel himself crumbling to pieces.

No! Nonono, did he jinx himself?

The universe was against him today..

He could feel his dreams of impressing Jin evaporating into nothing, slowly fading away into distant fantasies.

And he hated to admit it but, that hopeful expression plastered on Jin's face as he asked for Hobi's company made his heart burn in agony. That one facial expression alone basically determined that Jin would love for Hobi to join him for lunch, and that he wasn't inviting him out of the very apparent goodness of his heart. He couldn't help but scowl. He had to look at the ground so that Jin and Hobi wouldn't see his obvious displeasure. He didn't want to hurt Hobi either. It wasn't that he disliked him, it was just that.. well..

He wanted Jin to himself.

All to himself.

Little did Namjoon know, Hobi had indeed noticed his grimace when Jin asked gave him that lunch invite. It was quite menacing, and even intimidating actually. He was slightly taken aback, but then thought about it for a while and quickly put two and two together.

I mean, he spent many hours at BigHit Entertainment, where many idols were filmed every day. One of the more well known groups was CUT, which stood for Commix Unzoned Tetras. Hobi was convinced that there was some kind of bromance between two of the members in this group. These two members in particular were always seen together. On and off camera. There we rumours floating around the Kpop industry that the two were dating, and that they were even instructed by thy CEO of BigHit himself, to try to stay away from eachother on camera because they were becoming increasingly obvious.

Idols in the Kpop industry were often shamed and ridiculed for dating other idols. There had been many idol couples in the conservative Kpop world who had been discovered by the public and had basically been forced to break up or leave the industry. Hobi thought this was a very unfortunate and pathetic flaw in most Kpop fan-bases. Some idols even received death threats from sasaengs when they were discovered to be dating another idol.

That thought alone was enough to give any idol or trainee the chills.

Therefore, the rumours of the two CUT members secretly being in a relationship really wasn't that far fetched. And could easily be proven. Especially if you were someone like Hobi, who was in close proximity to the two idols everyday. Hobi saw how one of them would react if the other was in the centre of attention of the other members of the group, especially when their attention was focused on just one specific person. You could practically feel the waves of jealousy coming off of them as they watched what was suspected to be their significant other mingling for too long with other people.

Hobi had a lot of oppurtunities to observe jealousy at it's best, and so he could very easily tell that Namjoon was indeed unhappy that Jin had invited him, the sunshine, to lunch.


Well, he wouldn't mind a nice warm plate of delicious barbequed meat...

In fact, he would quite enjoy one. Especially right after the english exam which never failed to grow a few white hairs on his head.

But he wouldn't want to have Namjoon sending him glares the entire time he gobbled up his food..

Not to mention, he wanted to ask Namjoon about how he felt about Jin now that he had figured his strange behaviour out, and angering or irritating Namjoon would not help with convincing him to open up.

He came to a decision.

"I would love to join you guys but, I think my Mom already made lunch for me," Hobi stated very matter of factly.

"Aww.." Jin whined, his smile faltering, an obvious look of disappointment plastered on his face.

Hobi was proud of himself. He had resisted the very tempting irresistable smell of meat cooking and had demonstrated good self control. Hey, when you're hungry, the mere smell of food can make you go nuts.

As he basked in his small moment of glory, he kept an eye on Namjoon. Hobi could tell that he was relieved, and his shoulders looked much more relaxed than how tense they had seemed earlier when Jin asked Hobi that damning question.

However in the midst of the waves of relief practically eminating off of Namjoon, Hobi could have sworn that he saw a look of slight sadness flickering in his eyes. It seemed that he was still slightly affected by something, although there wasn't really anything that Hobi could initially think of that could fill that catetgory.

Hmm.. he would just have to wait and see then.

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now