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The room was quiet with Namjoon and Jin studying diligently. Despite their childish tendencies, they both really wanted to get into a good university.

For a solid two hours, Jin remained seated on the floor with the same textbook open in his lap. Although the floor was an incredibly uncomfortable place to study in his opinion, he never once complained, since Joon had earned the bed fair and square.

It was around 6'o clock when Namjoon began to pack up his things and stuff them back into his backpack. Looking up at the clock on Jin's bedroom wall, he sighed as he realised that he would have to leave Jin's place in about 45 minutes. Not to mention he found Jin's bed extremely comfortable and felt nothing like moving his body.

His eyes wandered around his best friend's room, admiring all the Super Mario posters as well as all of the Girls Generation merchandise displayed on every available space on his wall. There wasn't much space really, considering how small Jin's room was, explaining why there was an entire wall that was completely covered in posters. His eyes eventually fell on Jin, who was smooshing his face with a textbook.

"Jin-hyung, what are you doing?" he chuckled as Jin peeked out from behind his most hated textbook.

"Gah! Namjoonie, i need help.." he said in exasperation. "I just can't seem to be able to pronounce the english word for love! I even facetimed Hoseokie but he wasn't much help at all!" he rambled, pushing his hair back with his hands.

Facetimed Hobi-hyung? But Namjoon was only an arms length away from Jin! Not to mention he was known as the english genius, why hadn't Jin asked him? He felt slightly irritated that Jin had chosen to ask Hobi over him.

"Ah but he was looking extra cute today, i guess that makes up for his stupidity. He spent half an hour trying to figure out how to pronounce love! And he refused to let me hang up because he wanted to figure it out first. Ah, we had a good conversation though. I told him a lot of dad jokes and he-"

"Why didn't you ask me?" Namjoon snapped, his annoyance sky-rocketing.

Jin gaped at Namjoon like a goldfish, clearly taken-aback. This was the last reaction he had been expecting from his best friend. He could tell that Namjoon wasn't joking around, and that the fact that he had consulted Hoseokie instead of him geniunely angered him.

How was it possible that Namjoon hadn't noticed that a video call was ongoing anyway? Especially since Jin's room was tiny and there was no noise other than pages being flipped and Jin occasionally sighing in frustration.

Namjoon was shocked too. He had no idea where this fury had come from, and he had never in his entire lifetime felt this kind of rage before. He didn't know why he was pissed, he just was. For what seemed like the billionth time that day, Namjoon was confused. Meaning to decipher his emotions, Namjoon subconciously stoned at the ceiling directly above Jin's bed. Which looked rather odd from Jin's perspective since Joon had been basically throwing a tantrum a few seconds ago.

It was just something about Jin talking to Hobi instead of him when he was literally in the same room as him that bothered Joon. What had gotten his blood boiling in particular was when Jin had mentioned how he and Hobi had had a nice conversation and how Hobi looked cute.

Namjoon has an IQ of 148. So he figured it out pretty quickly.

To put it simply, Namjoon didn't like how Jin's attention was on someone other than him.

"Is this what jealousy feel like?" Namjoon pondered. He wasn't even sure if what he was feeling was jealousy, he didn't want to accept that he was being petty over his bestfriend talking to someone else, but he could find no other word to describe his feelings. But if that was the case, then could it be that he- that he liked Jin-hyung? I mean that would explain the bus incident and why his face reddened so many times because of his hyung that day.. Could it be?

Being a genius, Joon usually came up with answers to any question thrown at him with a snap of his fingers.

This question however, was taking him longer than usual to solve.

Deep in his thoughts, he forgot that he had completely left Jin hanging after he had practically bitten his head off. As Namjoon continued his internal debate, Jin raised an eyebrow at his friend unable to read his thoughts. Namjoon looked like he was ready to murder someone just a few seconds before his face took on the expression that he usually had on when he was trying to solve an algebra equation.

Jin was beginning to worry.

This wasn't the first time that day that Namjoonie had acted strange.

Jin was the kind of person who tended to worry about his friends too much. In school, he would always make sure that all his friends had brought their lunch money, and if they didn't he would always give them his leftover change from the day to buy something from the vending machines near the canteen. Everytime one of his friends was feeling down, he would be the first one to make sure they were okay. The first question he always asked them was: Did i do something to make you upset?

He hated to think that he might have caused his friend's dampened mood.

Namjoon was no exception.

Now was the time. The best time to ask Namjoon about everything.

Jin let out a long breath he didn't know he was holding,

"Namjoonie.. is something wrong? You've been acting weird today."

The boy being spoken to looked up. He noticed the genuine worry in Jin's eyes, he could tell that Jin was questioning his own actions.

Jin's eyes gave away a big chunk of his courageous speech when it had barely even started. Namjoon could tell that Jin was worried he had done something wrong.

"How am i doing that though" he asked himself. Before Jin continued with his speech, unaware that Namjoon already knew exactly what was going to come out of his mouth.

"Namjoon-ah, did i do something to make you upset or something? I-I didn't mea-"

"Hyung, i'm fine. Don't worry." Joon reassured, the life returning to his eyes. He felt kind of.. really, really happy that his hyung cared about him. Even though by default they both cared deeply for eachother, it was nice to have some confirmation.

Especially after he had been sulking over the whole Hobi situation.

[a/n] hellohellohello! Sorry the story has been cringey so far.. im working on it! :)

𝑨 𝑺𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 🌻 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐉𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now