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Harry waits for his drink impatiently at the small, unknown coffee shop. He's hiding away from his fans and the press. He thinks if he has to take one more picture or sign one more autograph today, he'll pull out all his hair. The coffee shop he chose is in an isolated area and he's the only customer in the shop.

He drums his fingers over the wood counter, watching a curvy boy making his coffee. The girl that took his order left to the back and Harry just doesn't understand why this boy is taking so long? He doesn't have all day.

"Can you hurry the fuck up?" Harry finally snaps. To his surprise the boy whips around, his blue eyes like ice. Harry's breath catches in his throat because he wasn't expecting the boy to look like that.

His features are soft and almost feminine, but he's definitely a boy. His soft brown hair is styled and his tan skin seems to glow under the harsh lights of the run down cafe. His eyes are a clear blue and his lips a soft pink. His black shirt uniform clings to his body in all the right places and Harry can see he has a small tummy and he's too attractive to even be real.

"Well maybe if your order wasn't so fucking ridiculous I'd be faster," the boy replies, his voice sharp and high and just lovely. Harry can't talk for a few moments because; 1. This boy can't be real and 2. Does he not know who he is?

"My order isn't the problem, you're just a fucking idiot," Harry replies harshly and the boy barks out a laugh.

"You're the idiot. Who the fuck gets an extra chocolate hot chocolate with extra whip cream and then skim milk. And who gets an extra chocolate hot chocolate anyways?" the boy asks. Harry just glares at him, feeling extremely irritated. No one talks to him like this.

"Do you know who I am?" Harry seethes. The boy snorts and rolls his eyes.

"No and I don't give a fuck who you are either," he tells him. Harry just stares at him, his mouth agape. He doesn't know him? Everyone knows him. The boy rolls his eyes and turns around, finishing his drink. He slides it across the counter to him and Harry manages to come back to life.

"You forgot my candy cane," he says in a bored tone. The boy smiles apologetically and moves to grab one. He sucks on the end of it and the shoves it in Harry's drink.

"Have a nice day, jackass," the barista calls before he leaves to the back. Harry just stands there, blinking in confusion. Did he actually just do that? Doesn't he know Harry could probably buy this shitty place and probably him too? He lets out a little breath and then sips at his drink despite the candy cane. The sweet drink fills his taste buds and he hates how good it tastes.

He also hates how intrigued he is by the rude barista.

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