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"Since when do you listen to Black Sabbath?" Niall asks as he walks into Harry's hotel room. Harry looks over to him and shrugs his shoulders, his mind still on the song he's writing.

"I'm writing Louis a song and this music reminds me of him," Harry explains. His pencil taps at his open notebook and his brow furrows in concentration.

"Are you writing him a rock song?" Niall asks as he flops onto the bed.

"No. I'm writing him a song I can actually sing. Can you go away?" Harry asks in frustration because he can't think of anything. He misses him, but he doesn't want to write about missing him. He wants the song to be happy.

"Don't get snappy with me," Niall warns and Harry sighs and throws his pencil down. He looks over at his blonde friend and pouts.

"Sorry. I just haven't talked to him in three days. Not a text or call or anything," Harry tells him. He's going into his fifth week on tour and he's basically counting down the days until he can go home. It's not that he doesn't love his job because he does. He loves his fans and he loves to sing and make them happy. Hell, they make him happy, but he misses his boyfriend and the experience would be better with him.

"He has a life, Harry," Niall tells him and Harry just wants to cry.

"I know. I know. I just want to talk to him," Harry says and Niall looks him up and down.

"Do you think he's cheating?" Niall questions and Harrys eyes go wide and he's shaking his head.

"No! No. He wouldn't do that. He probably has work and school and more work. I just miss him," Harry continues to whine.

"Call him then. Also, you're coming out to dinner with me. I'll be back in half hour so make it quick," Niall tells him and then he's gone. Harry just picks up his phone and calls Louis again.

"Hey! I'm so, so sorry I haven't been answering. Don't hate me. I'm sor-"

"It's okay! Breathe," Harry chuckles. He's relived the boy finally answered his call and he can hear Louis take a deep breath through the phone.

"Okay. I just want you to know I wasn't ignoring you on purpose," Louis tells him.

"I believe you. What's got you so stressed?" Harry asks. There's a pause and then a sniffle.

"Um, Daisy's really sick, so she was at the hospital for two days. She was released today and I've been working and school and your goddamn cat clawed my face the other night," Louis tells him. Harry tries to listen to everything and decides to focus on the most important thing.

"Is Daisy okay? What does she have?" Harry frets.

"She has an infection from a spider bite and it spread. She's okay now and she's on antibiotics, but she was really sick. How're you though? I watched your last interview and may I say you sounded like a royal ass," Louis jokes. Harry rolls his eyes because Louis always has to make some type of comment at him.

"Thanks and I'm good. I'm going out with Niall tonight before the show," Harry tells him. He's way more relaxed now that he can hear Louis' voice and it's scary how much of an affect the boy has on him.

"That sounds fun. Tell him I say hi," Louis says and Harry can hear the smile in his voice.

"I will. I'm also writing your song. I'm hoping it'll be done soon. It for sure will be done by the time I go to Europe," Harry tells him. Europe is his next destination on the tour and he's excited.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, but I've been saving my money and if it's okay with you I want to go to your Italy shows," Louis says excitedly and Harry can feel his own face break out into a huge smile.

"Yes! You can just come for the whole European leg if you want," Harry suggests. He knows Louis will decline, but he wants the offer out there.

"I'd love to, but I can't. You're sounding better every night though. I watch videos of you on YouTube. You're so cute with your little dances and stupid jokes," Louis chuckles and Harry can't help but blush.

"You watch videos of me?"

"Duh. I love watching you perform," Louis says like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Harry! Times up!" Niall shouts through the door. Harry bites his lip and sighs sadly.

"I have to go, Lou... I'll text you after the concert?" Harry asks.

"I'll try and stay up. I miss you, baby," Louis tells him.

"Miss you too. Three weeks," Harry tells him.

"Three weeks," Louis repeats.

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