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Harry is preparing to leave again. It's not so bad this time because Louis' coming in for his Italy shows and then he's just going to stay for two weeks and tour with him. Harry actually managed to convince him to do that.

He's texting Niall as he waits for Louis to exit his drum lessons. Niall wants to come over tonight and Harry told him he could - though he'd rather it be just him and Louis. He hears talking and looks out to see Louis and Zayn exiting the building, laughing about something. Zayn looks over and sees Harry - giving him a wave and smile - before he just waves at Louis and walks to his own car. Louis gets in Harry's car his mood bright and happy.

"Okay, surprise time," Louis grins. Harry just nods and waits for instructions on where to go.

"We're going to the zoo - my treat - and yes it's a date. Then we have to go to my house," Louis smiles and Harry pulls out to drive.

"Niall wants to come over tonight," Harry tells him and Louis is shaking his head.

"He can't," he tells him and Harry gives him a sideways glance.

"Why not?"

"The surprise, Harold! Ugh. I'll fix it. Drive," Louis grumbles and Harry snorts, but focuses back on the road. Louis' typing away at lightening speed and Harry is curious as to who he's texting.

"Fixed it. Niall's coming over tonight along with the surprise," Louis says triumphantly.

"What's the surprise?" Harry asks and Louis just shrugs. His eyes are trained out the window - looking out at the sunny spring day. Louis is dressed in light colors today and it's so unusual for him, but he looks amazing.

"Eyes on the road," Louis teases and Harry slowly turns his full attention to the road. He can feel Louis glancing at him and he's surprised they're listening to the actual radio. Harry hums along to the songs and then his voice comes on and Louis seems to get happier.

"It's you! Listen to your overly romantic lyrics. God, you can be so cheesy," Louis chuckles and Harry just grins because it's a song he wrote about Louis. It's basically about how much he needs and loves him. It's a slow song, but Harry actually loves it.

Louis is singing quietly under his breath and Harry can feel a huge smile fill his face. He starts to sing along too and Louis looks over at him, his eyes narrowing and singing slightly louder. They sound good together, their tones mixing together to create something beautiful.

"The songs about you," Harry tells him.

"It's still too sappy," Louis tells him, "But it's cute. Stupidly cute and I love it."

They arrive at the zoo and Louis is back to being an energized child. He jumps out of the car and grabs Harry's large hands, practically sprinting to the ticket counter. Harry feels terrible when Louis pays, but he insists and then they're inside.

They walk to each exhibit and Harry will admit it's fun. Louis bought him a stuffed giraffe and he's wearing cute little tiger ears on his head. Harry takes a cute picture of him with his ears on and then they take a selfie together - Harrys giraffe in the middle. Louis also takes a picture of Harry with the monkeys behind him, claiming they look alike.

Harry's having fun and he stops to take pictures with fans and even has small conversations with them. Louis just smiles happily next to them and is always surprised when his fans talk to him too.

"Your boyfriend is cute," an older girl giggles to Harry. Harry looks over to see Louis chatting to a little girl by the elephant exhibit. The girls mother is laughing at something Louis' saying.

"He is," Harry agrees. The girl already has a picture and her phone case signed.

"Can I have a picture with him?" she asks and Harry is taken aback. People want to talk to him, but pictures? That's a little strange. He won't deny her request though.

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