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Harry's nervous. He's always nervous before a show but today his nerves are worse and it's all because of the boy leaning against the wall watching him get his hair done.

"So you do your hair for a show, but only put on your stupid hat for our dates?" Louis questions and Lou - Harry's stylist - laughs.

"That's because he can't do this on his own," she tells him as she continues to play with his hair.

"Why do you even need a hair stylist? It's a concert," Louis asks and Harry and Lou both roll their eyes.

"It's for the effect. He has an image to maintain," Lou tells him and Louis looks at Harry in the mirror and frowns.

"Can't he just be himself?" Louis asks and Harry reaches over to him. Louis moves and grabs his hand and Harry pulls him onto his lap.

"I am myself. I just need to be beautified," Harry tells him and Louis nods.


"Hey! You're supposed to say I'm always beautiful," Harry pouts.

"Mom always told me not to lie," Louis replies and Harry smacks his arm gently.

"Stay still!" Lou orders and Louis just grins up at her, leaning in to rest his head on Harrys shoulder. Harry looks at them together in the mirror and smiles at how good they look together.

"I finished your song," Harry tells him and Louis lifts his head up and looks at him.

"You did?"

"Yeah. I'm playing it tonight," Harry tells him and Louis smiles so wide his eyes basically disappear.

"I'm done. You're clearly not interested anymore," Lou chuckles. "Your clothes are on the rack," she tells them before she leaves.

Louis just continues to smile at Harry and he back down so his head his tucked under Harry's chin. Harry holds him close and hums softly under his breath.

"Are you nervous?" Louis whispers and Harrys humming stops and he bites the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah, mostly because of you. I know you won't enjoy the concert because of the music," Harry tells him and Louis grabs his hand and shakes his head.

"I'm going to be really corny as usual, but this will be my favorite concert just because it's yours," Louis tells him and Harry just pulls back and kisses the top of his head and Louis smells of vanilla instead of coffee. It's a nice smell, but Harry likes when he smells of the cafe where they met.

"I need to change. Want to help me?" Harry asks and Louis just stands up and waits for Harry to do the same. Louis leans up and kisses him, his hands slipping under Harry's shirt and starting to take it off. Harry grips Louis' hips and pulls him close so they're chest to chest.

Louis stops kissing him to pull off Harry's shirt and then his hands move down to unbutton his pants, their lips meeting again. It's all innocent and neither is trying to take it further then just a kiss. Harry pulls away and slips off his pants and Louis just admires him.

"Look at your cute butterfly," Louis coos and Harry chuckles as Louis moves forward to trace his fingers over a wing of the tattoo.

"Your tattoos are so cute. We should get matching tattoos," Louis tells him and Harry shakes his head.

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