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Harry tries to visit the small cafe everyday. His songs are being written in record time which is making his manager extremely happy. Harry of course, is kind of upset about this. Soon he needs to decide which songs belong on his album and after that's finished he's going on tour.

Louis is currently making Harry his hot chocolate - he's grumbling under his breath - and Harry is watching him with a stupid smile. The boy is so sarcastic and just snarky at all times and Harry loves it. He loves coming in and talking to him and just being a regular guy.

Louis still has no idea who he is and at this point Harry never wants him to find out. He's afraid Louis won't like him anymore if he finds out or that the boy will treat him like everyone else does. For once not everything is about his music and his fans and who he's with. Louis talks to him about his family and his childhood and his cat. Things that people in the media just don't care about.

Louis is like a refreshing breeze in Harry's stuffy life. He has no problem telling Harry when he's acting like a douche - which happens daily - and he has no problem teasing him. Harry likes all of that. Likes that someone isn't trying to use him or is just being nice because he's Harry Styles.

"Here's your ridiculous hot chocolate, your majesty," Louis huffs as he slides the drink over to him. Harry just looks at him and Louis rolls his eyes before he stuffs a candy cane in it.

"It's October, why do you need the candy cane?" Louis asks. He has a candy cane of his own between his lips and he casually sucks on while talking to the curly haired boy.

"I like the taste. Why do you have so many?" Harry questions back.

"They feel like Christmas," Louis tells him with a shrug. Harry watches as he stands straight again and grabs a cloth, cleaning the mess he made while making Harry's drink.

"So, you never have showed me the music you like," Harry starts to talk. Louis turns around and leans his elbows on the other counter, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You'd hate my music, folk singer Frank," Louis tells him. Harry often plays his type of music while he writes and Louis always teases him. Harry thinks he actually likes it though.

"Folk singer Frank? That was terrible," Harry laughs. Louis just shrugs and pulls out his phone. His fingers slide across the screen and his eyes scan it quickly. Heavy guitar and drums fill Harry's ears and Louis is nodding his head to the beat.

"In Bloom by Nirvana. You have to know Nirvana," Louis says. Harry bites his lip and shakes his head. Louis is left with his mouth open and he clicks another song. This song is softer, but is clearly still rock.

"Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison. You have to know this song. C'mon, Harry," Louis tells him. Harry shakes his head again and Louis just buries his face in his hands.

"I like this," Harry speaks up. Louis peaks at him through his fingers, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah? Well maybe there is hope for you after all," Louis tells him happily. Harry just smiles at him. Hating how he's going to have to leave him soon because he's become strangely attached to the blue eyed barista.

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