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Louis is 23 today. Everyone is gathered at his small apartment and Harry is happy to finally meet everyone. Louis has a big family therefore he only invited his two closest friends - Liam and Zayn. The rest are having a party for him on New Years.

Harry will admit he's slightly jealous of Zayn, because the two boys are close. They have a lot in common and Zayn likes to steal Louis away from him. Liam is more social and actually talks to Harry and Louis' family. Which is what they're doing now because Louis and Zayn are outside smoking.

"So, you've been to India?" Louis' little sister Phoebe asks. Harry finds her adorable, along with her twin. Actually, Louis' whole family is really cute and they're all so close.

"Not yet. Do you think I should go there?" Harry asks her with a smile and she's nodding her head.

"Yeah! And you can ride an elephant!" she exclaims with excitement. Harry laughs and nods his head, but his eyes move forward when the back door opens. The two boys walk in and Louis' nose is pink from the cold. Harry wants to cuddle him, but he hasn't been very cuddly tonight. His eyes meet Harry's and he smiles and walks over to him, taking a seat on his lap and okay, maybe now he wants to cuddle.

"Feel how cold I am," Louis shivers and he places his hands on Harrys warm cheeks and then nuzzles his cold nose into his neck. Harry jumps and Louis giggles and cuddles more into him.

"Good to see you're ready to talk to us," Liam says from beside Harry. Louis lifts his head and sees that Liam's leg is touching Harrys and he sticks his foot out and pushes the boy away.

"Don't touch," Louis glares and Liam laughs, giving him the 'you're-not-serious' look. Louis just shrugs and turns so he can face his family, but remains on Harry's lap.

"When do we eat cake, Lou?" Daisy squeals.

"Who said you get any?" Louis teases her and his sister Felicite - Fizzy - rolls her eyes and stands up from the floor.

"Don't listen to him, Dais. Want to help me get the cake ready?" she asks and Daisy jumps up with a happy cheer and chases after the older girl. Phoebe follows them too and the older people - and the baby twins - just looks at each other.

"So, Harry, why do you even like my brother? You're so cool and he's... Well... He's Louis," Lottie makes a face and Louis shoots her a look.

"I've never been called cool before," Harry chuckles.

"You're not," Louis says at the same time Lottie says; "You are." Louis just rolls his eyes.

"And you're cute. You're like really cute and talented," Lottie tells him and Louis scowls.

"He's also too old for you," Louis tells her harshly.

"So, are you opening your presents after cake? I have to get the kids in bed for Santa," Jay smiles, hoping to break the sibling tension. Louis looks away from Lottie and up at his mom, his face softening.

"Yeah. I'll stop by tomorrow too. I have presents for the munchkins," Louis grins and Jay smiles back. Just then the twins run out singing happy birthday and the room starts in with them. Louis' cheeks flush and he hides his face in Harry's chest. Harry chuckles and kisses the top of his head.

"Blow out the candles, baby," he instructs and Louis huffs, but moves away so he can lean over the candles.

"Make a wish!" Phoebe giggles and Louis just smiles and nods his head before blowing out the candles. The cake is plain white, the candles being a two and a three and 'Happy Birthday Lou!' written in cursive icing.

"Did you make a wish," Daisy asks curiously and Louis picks her up and places her on his lap on the floor.

"I did. Let's hope it comes true," Louis tells her and she nods. Harry watches as Louis lets everyone else have cake before him. Harry is the last person besides him to get cake and Louis cuts it extra big and just shoves his fork into the piece too.

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