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"Why are you back?" the boy groans as soon as Harry walks in. Harry bites his lip to keep from being mean. He just can't seem to get this guy out of his head and it's driving him mad.

"For your bubbly personality of course," Harry tells him with an eye roll. To his surprise the boy actually laughs and it makes Harry's heart do a weird flip that he's choosing to ignore.

"What do you want?" he finally asks. Harry's scanning the menu and finally just sighs and looks into the boys beautiful blue eyes.

"Just a coffee. One cream, one sugar and I'll take a muffin," he tells him pulling out his wallet. The boy is quick to get his order and then takes his money and passes him his change.

"Not going to lick my food this time?" Harry questions and the boy shrugs, an amused glint in his eyes.

"If you want me to I could, but you'd have to ask nicely," he teases. Harry snatches his muffin up and picks off a piece and places it in his mouth.

"I think I'm fine. Maybe next time," he tells him.

"Next time?" the boy groans over dramatically. Harry really can't believe the boy is treating him like this. Like he's a normal customer and not a world famous celebrity.

"What? You don't want to see my pretty face?" Harry asks with a smirk. The boy scoffs and shakes his head.

"Pretty face? As if. You sure are full of yourself, mister," the boy remarks. Harry is actually quite offended and the boy seems to realize because his face actually becomes serious.

"Hey, I was kidding. You have a very lovely face," the boy reassures him. Harry can feel a blush form on his cheeks and it's such a foreign feeling. With all the people telling him how great he is, he's become accustomed to compliments and yet this boys makes him feel like a giddy teenager.

"What's your name?" Harry asks, taking a seat on the stool by the counter.

"Louis. Yours?" he answers. Harry just repeats the boys name in his head... Louis. It suits him. Then he realizes that Louis actually has no idea who he is. He was never just playing and pretending to not know him.

"I'm Harry Styles," he tells him, hoping his name will make the boy recognize him. Louis tilts his head and examines him. Harry thinks he finally knows who he is, but then the boy just smiles and leans forward.

"Your name flows nicely. It sounds like an actors name," he states and Harry wants to smash his face into his muffin.

"Maybe a singer," Harry tries and the boy chuckles.

"Everyone wants to be a singer now, eh? What music would you sing?" he asks curiously and Harry really can't believe this. Is this boy actually real?

"Probably folk or something like that," Harry replies instantly and now the boy is laughing and shaking his head.

"Of course. You seem like the type actually," Louis tells him.

"What do you listen to?" Harry asks because how dare he laugh at him?

"Classic rock. Today's music is shit," the boy tells him. Harry bites his lip and then sips at his coffee. So that's probably why the boy doesn't know him. He should at least recognize his name though because Harry is quite famous.

"You don't listen to the radio?" Harry asks him and the boy is shaking his head.

"Nope. Sorry, Harry, but I have to go bake some more food outback. Until next time," he says, giving him a small wave. Harry watches him leave again and god he's so infatuated with the little barista.

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