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The day after their date it's all over the Internet. People are losing their minds because no one in Hollywood knew Harry was gay. He never felt the need to announce it and he's now guessing he should have.

He has trouble leaving his house that morning, but manages to escape and get to Louis' work. His eyes fill with relief when he spots the boy behind the counter.

"Lou," Harry says softly, catching the boys attention. Louis' eyes look puffy and there's small bags under them. His hair is hidden under a beanie and his normal smile isn't on his pretty face.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks and Louis just slides a paper to him. Harry reads the words at the top, his heart feeling heavy in his chest.

"Is Harry Styles on a date or doing charity work?" he reads out loud and Louis nods his head. He grabs back the paper and flips to a specific page.

"Singer, Harry Styles, seen out last night with a mystery boy. This boy is apparently a no one and while he's cute, we're all left wondering where he came from. Is Harry actually into him or is he helping the needy?" Louis reads. He looks up at Harry, his blue eyes filled with hurt.

"They said you were cute," Harry tries and Louis lets out a forced laugh.

"They think I'm a charity case. Your fans have wrote in everywhere saying I'm not good enough for you and that I stole you away from them last night. Everyone hates me," Louis says bitterly. Harry is shaking his head and he grabs Louis' hand over the counter.

"Don't say that. I like you. I really like you and I don't care about this," Harry reassures him.

"I can't do this," Louis chokes out and Harry can feel his breath leave his lungs. Louis is looking down at their hands and Harry can feel a lump form in his throat. This can't be happening.

"You can. What happened to the snarky Louis that didn't take anyone's shit, not even mine?" Harry asks softly.

"That was different. I thought you were a regular guy with a stupid drink order and a bad personality," Louis defends himself. Harry smiles and moves his fingers under Louis' chin to lift up his head.

"That's all these people are. They're regular people with stupid drink orders and bad personalities. Don't let them tear you down," Harry tells him. Louis slowly nods his head and Harry leans forward to peck his lips.

"Speaking of stupid drink orders can you make my hot chocolate," Harry grins and Louis groans and rolls his eyes.

"I hate you," Louis grumbles and Harry just watches him as he starts to get everything ready. He makes the drink quickly and hands it to him. Harry gives him the money and Louis just places it in the till and then leans over the counter. He quickly reaches out and dips is finger into the whip cream and licks it off his finger.

"Louis!" Harry scolds.

Louis just giggles and Harry can't even be upset with him because Louis' smiling and Harry's the reason for that smile.

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