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Harry is finally coming home. The last three weeks were fun and he enjoyed every second of his tour, but he knows he's going to enjoy being home more. It's rare for him to practically bounce in his seat as the plane descends because he's usually pouting about having to live in his big house with his moody cat, but now he has someone to see.

The plane lands and Harry is the first person out of his seat. He texted Louis before the flight and told him what time he'd be here. He grabs his carry on and then he's rushing from the plane, leaving his crew behind. He slows down when he gets in the public - it's late no ones really here - but his feet are still moving fast. He just wants to see his face and feel his arms around him. He gets to the escalator that brings him down and he just rests and lets the machine move him. When he gets to the end he walks into the the baggage claim area.

"Harry!" he hears him call. Louis comes running and jumps into Harrys arms and Harry is quick to catch him and kiss him. Louis his holding his face in his hands, his legs wrapped around Harry possessively. Harry is holding him up by his bum and Louis giggles when he pulls away.

"I missed you so fucking much," Harry tells him and Louis just leans down to kiss him again before he slides down Harrys body and stands on his feet. Harry keeps his arms around him, leaning down to kiss him again and again.

"We're in public, stop," Louis laughs as he gently pushes Harry away. Harry pouts and Louis takes his hand in his and starts to walk him over to pick up his luggage. Harry spots a man with a camera and he grips Louis tighter and walks faster. He doesn't need a mob of people here right now. Louis just looks back at him in confusion, but continues walking.

They find his bag without trouble and then they're rushing from the building and into Louis' car. Harry climbs in while Louis puts his bag in the trunk and then Louis also gets in.

"Happy to be home?" Louis asks with a grin and Harry shrugs.

"Somewhat. I'm happy to see my cat," Harry tells him. Louis glares at him and Harry just smiles and leans over to kiss his cheek.

"You're staying the night right?" Harry asks and Louis nods.

"It's 2:40 in the morning of course I'm staying," Louis tells him. Harry just hums happily and grabs Louis' hand in his. There's music playing and Louis is quietly singing along.

"Who's singing?" Harry asks and Louis seems to snap out of a daze and he looks at him.

"Red Hot Chili Peppers. I saw them when they came here. Sick concert," Louis tells him and his whole face just glows when he talks about his favorite bands. Harry will never get tired of watching Louis talk about his love for rock music.

"One of your favorites?"

"Top five. Are we fucking or are you too tired?" Louis blurts and Harry actually chokes. He turns to see Louis smiling ahead in amusement, his blue eyes shining.

"I- um - depends? Do you want to?" Harry asks and Louis just looks over at him like he's crazy.

"I haven't had sex in two months, what do you think?" Louis fires back and Harry just sits in his seat.

"I top," Harry tells him slowly and Louis just smirks happily.

"Good because I want to ride you," he tells him and now Harry is definitely in the mood for this. Louis laughs at his giddy expression and when they drive through his gate and park in front of his house Harry is quick to get out of his car. Louis moves to grab his luggage, but Harry whips him around to place a hard kiss to his lips. Louis kisses back and clings to him, letting Harry have full control.

"Your bag?" Louis asks breathlessly as Harry nips at his jaw.

"Later. I missed you," Harry tells him before he places his lips back on Louis'. The boy tastes of strawberry Ice Breakers again and Harry knows how Louis likes to eat them all the time. They slowly make their way to his front door and Louis has to unlock the door because Harry's key is in his bag.

They get upstairs and Harry places Louis on his bed and just looks down at him. Louis is looking at him with raised brows and Harry just gives him a lopsided smile.

"You're so pretty."

"I know. I'm also horny so hurry up," Louis says in a rushed fashion and Harry laughs but moves so he's on the bed too.

They don't waste anytime taking off each others clothes and soon Louis' riding Harry, the two boys kissing and panting into each others mouths. They don't last long and Louis collapses on Harry's chest, sweaty and covered in his own cum.

Louis places a kiss over Harry's erratic heart and then nuzzles into his neck. He's too tired to go and clean himself off and both boys mentally decide they'll shower together tomorrow. Louis clings to the lanky boy and let's out a content sigh.

"I'm happy you're home," he murmurs.

"I love you," Harry replies. They don't say it often because it's not needed. They know their emotions for each other and they express it enough in actions. He feels the moment is appropriate though.

"I love you too, loser. Time to sleep," Louis replies, his voice soft and adorably sleepy. Harry just kisses the top of his head and falls asleep easily.

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