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Rehearsals have started and Harry is already exhausted. He can't spend as much time with Louis and it's starting to annoy him. Louis doesn't seem too upset, but Harry doesn't like it.

He finishes quickly today and takes pictures with the fans that are waiting outside. He wants to leave, but he loves his fans so he makes sure to spend a good amount of time with each one. When he can finally leave he drives down to Louis' cafe and sees the boy behind the counter.

"Oh, you're back," Louis says in faux distaste and Harry just rolls his eyes, sitting at his stool.

"You're only mean to me when you're behind that counter. You're all soft and cute otherwise," Harry points out and Louis shrugs.

"It's a habit. When I see you walk in I have to make some type of snarky remark," Louis explains and Harry leans against the counter more.

"Well maybe we should change that habit to you giving me a kiss," Harry smirks and Louis rolls his eyes.

"I don't think so. Nice try," Louis snickers and Harry just pouts at him.

"I've missed you all day. Give me a kiss," Harry whines and Louis shakes his head.

"Louis," Harry continues and he just shakes his head again, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Are you going to order? If not, I'm afraid you'll have to leave," Louis chuckles and Harry rolls his eyes.

"I want my hot chocolate and a kiss," Harry tells him and Louis turns around and looks up at the menu.

"I don't believe we serve kisses. I'm sorry, sir," he teases.

"Well maybe I should find a place that does. Shouldn't be hard for me to find someone willing to kiss me," Harry states and Louis just looks at him, his brows raised.

"Oh yeah? I dare you to go find someone else to kiss you. See how well that works," Louis challenges and Harry just deflates and rests his head on the counter.

"I hate you. All I wanted was one simple kiss and you couldn't even give me that," Harry whines dramatically.

"Holy fuck, I'll give you a kiss if you promise to shut up," Louis finally caves and Harry lifts his head and smiles widely. Louis leans over the counter and places a soft, sweet kiss to his lips.

"I missed you today too," Louis tells him quietly as he pulls away. He turns and starts to make his hot chocolate and Harry watches him with a fond smile and big, loving eyes.

"Here you go, loser. One special hot chocolate for my special boy," Louis says and Harry rolls his eyes.

"That was terrible," Harry tells him honestly and Louis just glares at him.

"You're so hard to please. Don't you have somewhere to be?" Louis asks.

"You're going to miss me when I leave," Harry says and Louis' whole face drops and his eyes become soft and sad.

"Yeah, I really am."

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