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It's New Years Eve and Louis' birthday party. Well sort of. It's just a big celebration that consists of a birthday cake and maybe a few presents. Louis invited Harry and told him he could bring his friends, but Harry just invited Niall. Niall is keeping Zayn away from Louis so Harry's pretty happy.

"I can't believe Liam and Zayn got me flavored condoms and a purple dildo," Louis is laughing as he looks into the gift bag. Liam is smirking at him and he reaches into the bag and pulls out the dildo, smacking Louis in the face with it.

"Hey!" Louis laughs and he grabs it from Liam's hands and throws it in the bag. Harry just pulls him close and puts his lips to Louis' ears.

"We're going to have fun tonight," he whispers and Louis shivers and nods his head excitedly.

"I don't even want to know what you said," Liam scrunches up his face and Louis just smirks at him, his face giving it all away. Liam just groans and turns on his heel, searching for other people.

"Lou-boo!" a guy shouts and Louis' face lights up as he leaves Harry's arms and tackles the boy.

"Aidan! I missed you," Louis mumbles into his hair and Harry frowns. He's heard about Louis' friends, but he's never heard about Aidan.

"Oh! Aidan this is my boyfriend Harry," Louis pulls away quickly and grabs Harry's hand.

"I know, Lou. The world kind of knows," Aidan chuckles. He sticks his hand out nonetheless and shakes Harrys.

"I'm Aidan. Louis' bestest friend," he smiles and Harry feels more relaxed now that his title as boyfriend is known.

"He's a friend, I wouldn't call him the bestest," Louis tells Harry and then he turns back to Aidan, "I thought you lived in Boston now?" he asks and Aidan shrugs.

"Came home for the holidays. I got you something actually," he smiles and Louis looks excited as he waits. Aidan just pulls out a pair of handcuffs and grins.

"I thought you guys might have fun with these," he snickers and Harry's face goes red along with Louis'.

"Never know," Louis says as he grabs them and puts them in his bag from Liam and Zayn. Aidan just chuckles and gives a wave before he's walking away.

"Wanna dance?" Louis asks and Harry can't say no to him so they end up dancing. Louis' not a bad dancer and he places Harrys large hands on his waist as he grinds into him. Louis just smiles up at him and stops moving so he can stand on his tiptoes and tilt his head back so they're kissing.

"No kissing 'til midnight!" someone shouts and Louis pulls away startled and sees Niall laughing. Zayn is right next to him and he's smiling at Louis and he comes over to grab him away which just irritates Harry.

"He needs to have his birthday shots!" Zayn cheers and Niall places his arm around Harry so he can't follow after them.

"C'mon, let the boyfriend go. You need to come mingle!" Niall says loudly, clearly drunk. Harry just sighs and goes with him. He can see Louis taking shots in the kitchen and when the boy spots him he sticks out his tongue. Harry does the same and he can see the boy giggle.

"No boyfriend until after cake," Niall tells him and Harry frowns at him but complies. When the cake comes out it'a a giant guitar, but where the icing is written someone also put a giant penis. The crowd sings happy birthday and Louis blows out his candles. Everyone starts to cut into and finally Harry can go over to him again.

"Midnight is in 10 minutes," Harry whispers and Louis turns, his cake in his hands.

"I know. Try this cake," he says and he goes to put the fork in Harry's mouth but sways and gets it all over his cheek.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry," he laughs. He moves forward and licks the icing off him. "I'm so drunk," he giggles into his ear and then he kisses just under it.

"I can tell. How much did they give you," Harry asks and Louis shrugs, his eyes darting around the room.

"Maybe like six? Six shots," Louis says and his voice is distracted. Harry turns to see what Louis is looking at, but nothing appears to be out of the ordinary.

"You okay?" Harry asks. Louis zones back in on him and nods smiling.

"I'm excellent."

The countdown starts and when the world screams one the two lovers connect and don't pull away even as people start to cheer louder around them. In fact Louis starts to back up with his lips still on Harry's.

"Yours," is the only thing Louis mumbles before their lips are attached again and Harry picks him up.

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