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Harry is waiting at the small private entrance for Louis. The boy is arriving early evening and though he'll be tired Harry plans on taking him out for dinner. He watches as the plane lands and the employees let him off first and take him into the private area where he just jumps on Harry.

"How am I the monkey?" Harry laughs. Louis' climbing up and clinging to him.

"You look like a monkey," Louis tells him and he pulls away and now Harry just feels cold without him. He reaches forward and Louis just watches him closely.

"I like monkey, Louis. C'mere," Harry says and he pulls him back so he can wrap him in his arms. Louis moves into his embrace and then they're perfectly slotted together, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"Excited for our time here?" Harry asks him and Louis squeezes his arms tighter and nods.

"I want to have pizza," Louis tells him and Harry actually laughs and pulls away from him.

"That's not actually Italian," Harry tells him and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Shut up, it is. Don't ruin my happiness," Louis pouts and Harry shakes his head and waits for Mike to return with Louis' bag. When he does they all sneak out the back exit and climb into the black car with the tinted windows.

"Drop us off at the restaurant please," Harry says politely and Mike nods and starts to drive.

"Am I bringing his bag up to your room?" Mike asks and Louis shakes his head.

"I can take it when we get back. I don't want to hassle you," Louis tells him and both Harry and Mike give him weird looks.

"I'll bring it up," Mike says and Louis just huffs and crosses his arms. Harry knows he doesn't like being treated special but it's part of the job. Plus, it's really great to not have to do anything.

They arrive at the small restaurant and they both thank Mike before exiting the vehicle. Harry has his signature fedora and black sunglasses covering his face and Louis laughs and smacks his hat down.

"You look like an idiot," he comments and Harry just sighs and keeps his head down.

"I can't just walk around like you. I'm kind of a big deal," Harry mutters and Louis again rolls his eyes.

"Only in your head. Seriously I won't eat with you if you wear that the whole time," Louis tells him. Harry just looks up at him and nods before they step in. He takes his sunglasses off and gives his name. The lady leads him to a table and it's right by the front window. Louis smiles politely at her, seemingly pleased with the seats.

"Grazie," he smiles and she smiles back at him, all giggly.

"Look how pretty everything is. It's gorgeous," Louis muses, looking out at downtown Verona.

"It's not even that different from home, but it's Verona so it's just prettier," Louis continues and Harry smiles a little. His hat is still perched on his head and every time a young girl walks by he shrinks in his seat.

"Hello, what can I get you?" the same girl asks. Her accent is thick, but her English is very good. Louis looks impressed and he smiles over at Harry - waiting for him to order.

"I'll have spaghetti," he tells her and Louis just smiles at him and then her.

"I'd like ravioli," he tells her and passes her the menu. She smiles at the two boys and leaves again, Louis watching her as she goes.

"Do you think she can say more than that. I feel like she has no idea what we're saying," Louis chuckles. Harry can feel himself relaxing and he shrugs at the shorter boy.

"Probably not. She knows the basics for the tourists," Harry tells him and Louis smiles.

"True. Thank you for taking off your glasses by the way. I like seeing your eyes," Louis tells him and Harry completely forgets about the big window they're in front of and takes his boyfriends hand.

"I'm happy you're here. You're coming to the concert tomorrow right?" Harry asks.

"What else would I do? I can't wait to see you and Niall perform. I expect loving glances while you're singing too. No heart eyes at the underage teens," Louis tells him sternly and Harry snorts. They continue mindless chat as they wait. The waitress finally brings them their food and they eat it quickly.

"God this is good," Louis says around a bite of ravioli. Harry laughs and grabs a napkin, wiping sauce from his chin. It's a small gesture, but Louis' cheeks get the pretty pink color to them that Harry loves.

"I'm so messy. I'm sorry," Louis mumbles and Harry just shakes his head and leans across the table to kiss the side of his mouth.

"It's cute. I have no problem cleaning you up," Harry admits.

"Speaking of cleaning up, you want to have a bubble bath when we get back? You told me your room had a bath," Louis says and Harry is grinning and nodding. Louis laughs at his eagerness and takes his time to eat while Harry practically shoves all his food in his mouth. They finish and Harry pays in cash - leaving a hundred dollar tip in his wake.

They call Mike and while waiting Harry gets recognized and has to take pictures. He smiles and tries his best to talk to the fans, but he honestly has no idea what they're saying. When Mike arrives both boys climb in, Louis first.

"Stop wearing the same hat and sunglasses and maybe you won't be recognized," Louis tells him and Harry just looks out the window, ignoring his comment. They drive in silence and when they get to the hotel fans are outside. Louis groans and walks ahead, while Harry stops to take pictures and sign stuff.

He stays out longer than expected not wanting to let anyone down and when he finally gets into the hotel lobby Louis' not even there. He knows the boy went up to his room and he takes the elevator up to his floor. He slides his room key in - Niall probably let Louis in - and he can hear Louis' music blasting from the washroom. The room smells of vanilla and Harry shuts his door and slowly opens the washroom door.

Louis' sitting in the bath, bubbles surrounding him and his eyes closed and relaxed. His music echoes off the walls of the big room and Harry just smiles at him.

"Start without me?" he asks, worried Louis might be upset. Louis just peaks open his eyes and smiles lazily.

"Yeah, you seemed occupied," Louis replies, his voice a soft mellow sound. Harry starts to strip off his clothes and he can feel Louis' eyes on him. He walks over and Louis moves so Harry can slip in between his legs.

"Nice of you to join me," Louis whispers in his ear, his hands touching Harry under the water. Harry leans into him and Louis rests his head on Harry's shoulder, his hands now just resting on Harrys lower stomach.

"I thought you'd be mad," Harry admits. Louis is quiet for awhile and his thumbs rub against Harry's soft skin.

"I was irritated. I forget that you're actually as famous as you are sometimes. It's hard for me to understand that you hide your face for a reason and it's harder for me to share you with the fans. I know they were here first, but I want to spend time with you too. I'm not mad at all and I just need to learn to share you and I need to learn that they love you too," Louis tells him slowly.

"It's a hard adjustment. It took me a long time to get used to it," Harry tells him. Louis nods and places a small kiss on his shoulder.

"I'll get better. It's just strange to see so many other people love you just as much as I do," Louis tells him and Harry chuckles.

"It's different. I bet half of them wouldn't love me as much if they knew me," Harry tells him softly. Louis kisses his cheek.

"I think they'd love you more if they knew you," Louis tells him and Harry reaches down to grab Louis' hand in his.

"Doesn't change that you're still my number one. Always first," Harry tells him. He turns to face him and Louis just brings his hand up to cup Harry's cheek.

"I love you," he whispers and Harry smiles.

"I love you more," Harry whispers back.

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