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Harry is nervous. Louis told him not to go over the top with the date and Harry didn't. At least he doesn't think he did. Louis said he just wanted dinner and a movie and of course they can't do that because Harry would get mobbed so Harry did it his way.

He rented out a restaurant and is going to get them to show a movie while they eat. After, Harry is bringing Louis to an underground concert that you can't get into without knowing people. Harry knows a lot of people.

He's dressed casual but nice. He doesn't know how Louis' going to dress and he doesn't really care. Louis always looks perfect and just the thought of him makes Harry's heart beat far too fast. He's in deep and he just can't bring himself to care.

He buzzes Louis' intercom and patiently waits for the boy to pick up. His fiddling with his fingers and wondering if he maybe, shouldn't have worn his fedora. Louis always teases him for it and maybe he hates it. God, he's nervous.

"Hello?" Louis finally picks up and Harry lets out a shaky breath.

"Here," he says and his voice cracks. God, he sounds stupid. Louis just hums and then the intercom is off and Harry is left waiting again. He looks down at his brow boots and makes note to buy new ones. The door opens and he looks up to see Louis.

The boy is wearing blacks jeans, - rolled at his ankles - a blue button up shirt and his black vans. His hair is styled to perfection and he's wearing a shy smile which basically makes Harry die.

"You look perfect," Harry manages out and Louis blushes slightly.

"As do you, pop star. Ready to go?" he asks. Harry nods and he's tempted to grab Louis' hand. He reaches out quickly to take it so he can't second guess himself and Louis looks surprised at first but quickly relaxes and holds his hand back.

"I was thinking dinner and a movie and then a surprise?" Harry tells him awkwardly as they leave the building. He holds the door and then opens Louis' door for him too.

"Sounds good," Louis grins. Harry shuts his door and then gets in on the drivers side. He starts his car and drives them downtown. They arrive at the restaurant and Louis looks at it with an unreadable expression.

"This place is so expensive. You didn't have to bring me here," Louis tells him quietly. Harry grabs his hand to get his attention and when Louis turns he gives him a soft look.

"Lou, I have so much money and I want to spoil you. Don't even worry about it, okay? I want to do this," Harry tells him. Louis looks down at their hands and squeezes his fingers gently.

"Okay. I sometimes forget you're famous. I always think you're a uni student like me," Louis explains. Harry just leans forward and kisses his cheek.

"I know, that's why I like you. Now, c'mon," he smiles. They both exit the car and Harry locks his doors before he grabs Louis' hand and starts to lead him in.

"Harry Styles!" someone screams and Harry curses. The restaurant is downtown so of course people recognize him. He turns to see a teenage girl and her friend. Their eyes are wide and their smiles excited.

"I love you so much," the girl tells him and Harry smiles, still holding Louis' hand.

"I love you more. Do you want a picture? I have to be quick because my date will get jealous," Harry jokes. Louis snorts and the girls eyes move to look at him. He fidgets under their gazes and looks at his feet.

"Oh. Yeah. Just a picture please," she replies.

"I can take it," Louis offers. The girl passes him her phone and he snaps both their pictures before Harry is grabbing his hand again and practically running inside.

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