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The pictures are all over the twitter. Louis is leaving what appears to be a pub and Zayn is protectively hiding him from the cameras, Liam trailing behind them. Harry knows it's nothing that will threaten their relationship because Louis had told him he was going out the night before and then called him when he got in, but the gossip sites thought differently.

"Harry Styles supposed boyfriend Louis out last night with a hot stranger? Witnesses say the two seemed very close. Is Louis taking advantage of Harry's tour or were they never a thing?" The article reads. Harry frowns and shuts his laptop, wishing he wasn't 14 hours away from his boyfriend. He pulls out his phone and clicks on his name, placing it to his ear as it rings.

"Hey, babe," Louis answers happily. Harry can hear his music playing in the background and he wonders if he actually did go home with Zayn.

"Hey. What're you doing?" Harry asks slowly, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"I'm feeding your stupid cat and then I was going to curl up in your bed and call you, but you beat me to it," Louis tells him and Harry can just picture him shrugging. He smiles down at his bed because Louis' not with someone else. He's at Harry's house and he's alone.

"Can we FaceTime? I miss your face," Louis questions and Harry chuckles and agrees. They hang up and then he's answering the call and Louis' face shows up.

"You look terrible," Harry blurts and Louis just scowls at him and ends the conversation. Harry is surprised he did, but Louis did look bad. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair greasy and all over the place, his skin pale. Harry of course feels bad and now he just wants to hug the boy. He tries to call him, but Louis refuses to pick up and that just breaks Harrys heart. He calls him again and finally Louis answers, but he sees Pebbles instead of the boy.

"What?" Louis snaps.

"I'm sorry. I'm an asshole."

"You are. I'm hungover and taking care of your stupid cat that keeps clawing me and I'm lonely and stressed because people won't leave me alone," Louis rambles and Harry just gives him a sad face.

"I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting that," Harry tries to make it better and then he wants to slap himself.

"Sorry I don't look perfect all the time like you," Louis says angrily and Harry really needs to learn when to shut up. Pebbles is now looking at the screen, but Harry would rather see the boy he's missing like crazy.

"Don't be mad at me. I still think you're the prettiest guy ever," Harry says and Louis snorts. Harry really can't think of a way to recover his statement and he doesn't want Louis mad at him.

"I take back the perfect remark, you look not so great yourself and you have something in your teeth," Louis tells him. Harry blushes and looks at himself on the screen. He starts to check his teeth and Louis giggles.

"There's nothing in my teeth," Harry grumbles and Louis just grins at him.

"There isn't, but you have a pimple on your nose," Louis tells him and Harry just glares.

"I do not. Shut up."

Louis finally switches the camera to face him again and Harry takes in Louis' appearance. He notices he's wearing a purple sweater.

"Is that my sweater?" Harry asks and Louis smiles and nods, making a show of cuddling more into it.

"I love it," Louis admits and Harry smiles lovingly.

"Do you wear my clothes a lot?" Harry wonders.

"Just your shirts. I like to come here and put on one of your shirts and lounge around pant less," Louis says with a shrug.

"Wait. Are you wearing pants now?" Harry asks and Louis tilts down his phone so Harry can see his bare legs. Harry looks at them longingly and he aches to touch the older boy.

"The only thing I'm wearing is your sweater. Good thing it covers me up because your maid came in today," Louis laughs.

"Jesus, Louis," Harry mutters and he doesn't know of it's because he almost got caught naked or if it's because he's picturing him naked.

"It was so funny. She was all 'Oh. Mr. Tomlinson, I didn't know you'd be here today.' and I just have her one of my charming smiles and told her to take the day off because I think she almost had a heart attack," Louis continues to snicker and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Poor lady has to deal with you while I'm away," Harry tuts.

"Oh, c'mon you know Beatrice would love to see my hot body prancing around," Louis jokes.

"You want to show me your hot body?" Harry asks and Louis smirks at him.

"I thought I looked terrible?"

"No. You look good enough to eat," Harry replies instantly and Louis throws his head back to laugh.

"Sorry, Styles, another day," Louis teases and Harry groans.

"I miss you. C'mon please?" Harry asks. He sounds needy and desperate and he just doesn't care. Him and Louis usually did something sexual almost daily and now he's 14 hours away and it's been a week and a half. He gets his dirty snap chats, but it isn't enough.

"So needy," Louis chuckles. Harry whines as Louis switches the camera back to his cat. He can hear Louis' amused laugh.

"Sorry, darling, but I actually have to work in an hour and I'm not even showered. I'm sure you can jerk off alone," Louis tells him casually. The phone is put down and Harry can only see black.

"Louis!" Harry says in frustration and Louis picks up his phone, now shirtless.

"I'll Skype you tonight. I really need a shower," Louis tells him seriously and Harry whines.

"I have a concert tonight," Harry tells him and Louis sighs.

"Doesn't matter. I'll Skype you anyways," Louis promises and Harry pouts.

"I'm sorry, H."

"I really miss you," Harry tells him.

"Me or my dick?" Louis asks jokingly.

"You. All of you. I wish you were here," Harry admits and Louis loses his amused look and becomes serious.

"I'll see you soon. Only seven and a half weeks. You writing me my song?" Louis asks and Harry cracks a small smile.

"I am. I'll talk to you later?" Harry asks and Louis nods.

"Later," and then he leans forward and kisses the screen which makes them both laugh. The call ends and Harry just sits in his room pouting for the rest of the day, wanting to go home.

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