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Harry sits in his hotel room laughing with his band. He's in France right now and Louis flies in in three days to join him. He's been gone for a week and a half and the whole time Louis' been posting pictures on Instagram of their dog. Louis told Harry the other day that Bruce ate Pebbles, but Harry can see the cat lurking in the back of some of the photos.

Louis' instagram and twitter are private so his fans don't know about their newest baby and they can't see the picture of Harry with the monkeys - thank god. Harry enjoys just scrolling through Louis' social networks and laughing at what he posts. His twitter is all about soccer and his overall hatred for everyone that takes a picture of him.

"Harry, you with us?" Niall chuckles and Harrys eyes flicker over to him.

"Yeah, yeah," he tells him and Niall snorts. The blonde has gotten used to Harry zoning out and he can't wait for Louis to join them so Harry will actually pay attention - well somewhat.

"Stop thinking about your future husband and join the conversation. Should Josh get laid tonight?" Niall speaks and Harry blushes at the future husband part.

"I think he should. How longs it been, Josh? A year?" Harry jokes and Josh rolls his eyes and scoffs at the younger lad.

"It's been a month at most. I'm not that helpless," Josh replies.

"That's too long, my friend. I got laid last night," Niall grins and Harry groans because he did not need that mental image.

"Harry hasn't been laid in over a week!" Josh argues and Harry looks up.

"My boyfriend is at home! I have an excuse," Harry tells him and Josh rolls his eyes.

"Details, details," he mutters and then Harry's phone is ringing on cue. He smiles and jumps up, grabbing the device and placing it to his ear.

"Lou," he smiles and Niall makes a gagging noise, making Harry throw a pillow at him.

"Hey. I have to make this quick because I'm on break and then Liam and I are going out, but Beatrice can't come in to feed Pebbles everyday while I'm away. So you want me to bring her to Liam's with Bruce or just leave him a key?" Louis asks quickly and Harry is slightly disappointed that Louis' calling because of the pets and not because he wants to talk to him.

"Just give Liam a key I guess. Where are you going tonight?" Harry asks curiously and he can feel his band mates eyes on him.

"Liam's sister is having an art show and she invited us. Should be fun and we're going out to eat with her after to celebrate," Louis tells him.

"Sounds fun. Don't be an asshole," Harry reminds him and he can hear Louis' amused snort.

"No promises. I hope you have fun at your concert tonight. Wish everyone luck, but I have to go. Miss you, monkey" Louis says and Harry can hear him make a kissing noise through the phone.

"Miss you too. Bye, love," Harry says before he hangs up. He places his phone down and Josh is looking at him.

"No 'I love you'?" Josh asks in confusion and Niall shrugs next to him, not even paying attention.

"They never say it. Well they do, but not often. It's strange because they're the most obnoxious couple I know so you'd think they'd say it all the time," Niall explains while he scrolls through his phone. Harry gasps and Niall looks up bored.

"We are not obnoxious," Harry defends himself and Josh just lies back on the bed.

"You're so obnoxious," he tells him and Niall grins at him for agreeing.

"We're cute," Harry says and both boys roll their eyes and look at him.

"Obnoxious," they say in unison and Harry pulls out his phone texting Louis. Louis' reply is instant and he frowns at it and Niall leans over to read the message laughing.

From Tigger: we are so obnoxious who are you trying to fool.

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