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"I don't want to go to your release party," Louis pouts from the couch, Pebbles in his lap. Harry's album has come out today and his team is having a huge party to celebrate.

"Please come. I really want you there," Harry begs him because he needs Louis there. He wants to show him off and introduce him to his friends.

"I won't fit in. Can't I just stay here and we can cuddle when you return?" Louis asks, sounding like a stubborn child. Harry just shakes his head and holds out his hand for Louis to grab. Louis just eyes it and smacks it, a bigger pout on his face.

"Lou..." Harry says, his voice sad and pleading. Louis just continues to pet the cat and looks away from Harry's face.

"I don't have anything to wear," Louis tries again and Harry just rolls his eyes. He scares the cat from Louis' arms and in one swift movement throws the boy over his shoulder. Louis squeals and his hands grip at Harry's shirt.

"Let me down!" he screams, but he's also laughing so Harry knows he's not upset.

"Nope. We're going to find you something to wear," Harry informs him. He smacks Louis' butt as they walk and Louis returns the favor, hitting his butt harder.

"Don't touch my bum, Harry Styles," Louis says in mock seriousness. Harry just smirks and smacks it again, making Louis squeak.

"It's mine now."

Louis keeps smacking him and laughing as Harry jumps up the stairs. Louis is bouncing on his shoulder as Harry runs to his room and throws him on the bed. Louis just looks up at him, his face flushed and his smile wide.

"You're so annoying," Louis finally speaks and Harry rolls his eyes and flops down next to him. His head turned and facing Louis.

"If I'm so annoying why are you dating me?" Harry asks with a raised brow. Louis seems to purse his lips in thought and then sits up.

"Good point. Bye," he jokes and Harry sits up and wraps his arms around his waist to pull him back. Louis happily sits down on his lap and wraps his arms around his neck.

"Too late, you're already mine. I'm keeping you," Harry says with a smile.

"You're kidnapping me? Well, I guess we should stay in the house then... In case I try to escape," Louis tells him and Harry shakes his head before kissing his lips quick.

"No. We're going out," Harry tells him before slipping our from under him. Louis just groans and crosses his arms. Harry moves to his closet and starts to pull out all sorts of clothes. He has far too many and a lot would probably fit Louis.

"Why did you buy this?" Louis asks with a chuckle. Harry turns to see Louis holding up a patterned shirt. Harry remembers spending over a grand on it and his cheeks flush as he grabs it from his hands.

"That's expensive," Harry defends it and Louis just turns to attention back to the other clothes.

"You have some weird clothes. How do I even dress for this event? Should I be classy? Punk? Slutty?" Louis says the last one with a sly smirk and an over exaggerated wink.

"I prefer slutty Louis to stay in this room where only I can see him," Harry tells him and Louis moves forward, his delicate fingers running up his chest.

"I can show you slutty Louis now if you'd like. Give you a little show," Louis murmurs his lips brushing against Harry's skin teasingly.

"Stop that. We have to go to the party," Harry says for the last time and Louis pulls away with a frown.

"You suck."

"Only you, babe."

"Better only be me," Louis says under his breath as he starts to look through the clothes again. His fingers are ghosting over countless items he'd just never wear. His fingers keep lingering over some of Harrys sweaters and he decides he'll steal some for when he sleeps at home alone. Or for when he works.

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