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"Do you really need your music this loud?" Harry yells over whatever band Louis' playing today. The smaller boy is driving him to the airport and he's head banging in his seat.

"You always need it loud!" Louis shouts back, his fingers now drumming over the wheel at a fast pace. Harry just rolls his eyes because it's too early for this. He didn't want to get mobbed so his flight is at 3:30am and it's currently 2:10. Louis is wide awake, drinking coffee and having his own concert in his head.

"Can we listen to something more calm?" Harry asks and Louis looks over at him, a disbelieving look on his face.

"You're in my car and want me to change the music?" he gasps and Harry nods his head.

"I let you change the music in my car," he argues and Louis slowly reaches over and turns down his music slightly. At least Harry can hear himself think now.

"I would let you change the music, but since you're leaving me you can fuck yourself," Louis says. He turns to smile at him to let him know he's joking and Harry just smirks back.

"Pretty sure you already fucked me good last night," Harry rebuttals and Louis just grins happily.

"I did."

"I top next time," Harry tells him and Louis just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. When do you get your first break?" Louis asks changing subjects.

"Two months," Harry tells him cautiously.

"That's so long. You better text me everyday," Louis warns and Harry can't help but smile. After the suitcase incident Louis' been trying to act like he doesn't care, but Harry can see right through it.

"Of course and I'll call and we can Skype. You're also welcome to come visit anytime," Harry tries and Louis is shaking his head.

"No. I have priorities here and you're not paying for my ticket. I still feel bad about this car," Louis tells him.

"You shouldn't. I like to spoil the people I care about," Harry tells him seriously. Louis just hums and focuses back to the road. Harry watches him and it's like it all finally hits him. He won't get to hear his loud music or watch him play with the cat. He won't get to visit him at work or even touch him. Two months is such a long time for them considering they miss each other after twelve hours.

They arrive at the airport and Harry can see his crew starting to unload. Louis gets out of the car and goes to the trunk, pulling out his heavy suitcase. Harry slowly climbs out and he can feel the lump in this throat and the sting in his eyes.

"Okay, you have everything right? You're not forgetting anything?" Louis asks like a concerned mother. Harry doesn't even reply, he just lunges forward and hugs his boyfriend like it's their last time they'll see each other. Louis hugs him back just as tight.

"Have fun, darling. I'll miss you," Louis whispers in his ear, his voice thick. Harry can't help the quiet sob that escapes him and Louis hugs him tighter, running his fingers through Harry's long hair.

"Don't cry. We'll see each other soon, right?" Louis comforts him and Harry can tell he's trying to not cry in front of him. He lifts his head from Louis' neck and quickly attaches their lips. He knows his crew has obviously noticed him by now, but none of them want to disrupt the boys tearful goodbye.

"I love you," Harry whispers to him. It's dark and the lights from the airport shine on Louis' face and reflect in his watery eyes. He leans up and places another kiss on Harry's plump lips.

"I love you too. Now, go and get checked in so I can cry," Louis tells him with a pat on his butt. Harry just looks down at him and Louis sighs and kisses him for a third time, this time letting Harry slip his tongue in his mouth.

"Okay, lover boys, we need to go," Mike calls and Harry painfully pulls away and looks at Louis' beautiful face.

"I'll miss you," he tells him and Louis nods.

"I know. Text me when you land."

With that said Harry takes his bag and follows after his crew into the large building. Once he's out of sight Louis allows himself to cry.

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