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Harry is driving over to Louis' to pick him up. It's the family dinner tonight and Harry is more nervous than Louis. Louis' been staying at his own house lately and Harry's stayed over a few times, but Louis mostly just wants to be alone. He has work early every morning and that's the reason why, but Harry wishes he'd come out more. He's offered to let Louis live with him, which was a big no from the the other boy.

He pulls in front of his building and calls the boy, not wanting to get out of the car. Louis just ignores the call and comes out a minute later. He's dressed all sophisticated because Harry told him they were going somewhere fancy. He smiles as the boy jumps in the car and Louis just kisses him passionately.

"I don't work tomorrow! Slumber party?" Louis cheers when he pulls away. Harry grins and nods, then pulls away from the curb.

"So you know how I play piano and guitar right?" Louis asks and Harry nods. They play the same instruments, though Louis plays piano better while Harry plays guitar better.

"Well, I'm going into drumming lessons with Zayn on Thursday and I'm so excited," he grins. Harry really tries not to roll his eyes at Zayns name and it's not that the boy is mean, it's just that he gets to be with Louis all the time.

"You'll have to show me what you learn," Harry tells him and Louis is bouncing in his seat like an excited child.

"Of course. Do you want to pick me up Thursday? I have a surprise if you do," Louis tells him and Harry gives him a sideways glance.

"A surprise?"

"A surprise. Only if you pick me up," Louis smirks.

"Okay. You'll have to text me where it is," Harry tells him and Louis replies with a 'well obviously', that makes Harry roll his eyes.

He parks in the private area that the restaurant gave him and then he sneaks him and Louis through the back. Louis holds onto his hand, swinging them and squeezing Harry's fingers.

When they get in the woman leads them to their table that already holds Gemma and his mom. He can now feel Louis tense up and he pulls him along and holds his hand tighter. His family jumps up and he has to let go of Louis to hug them and Louis just smiles.

"Gems, mom, this is Louis," Harry smiles proudly and Louis steps forward, sticking out his hand.

"Hi. It's really nice to meet you," Louis tells them and Harry is surprised at how formal he sounds.

"It's nice to finally meet you too. God, you're all Harry talks about," Anne chuckles and both boys faces go red.

"Mom..." Harry whines and Louis just looks at him lovingly.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just nice to put a voice to the face. You're much more handsome in person," Anne says and Harry whines, while Louis beams.

"Thank you, Ms. Cox. I can see where Harry gets his looks and charm from," Louis grins and she laughs while Harry wants to bury himself in a hole.

"Call me Anne. Ms. Cox sounds awful," she jokes and Louis nods his head and they finally sit down. Harry makes sure Louis is next to him in the booth and slips his arm around his waist.

"So, Louis, how old are you?" Gemma finally speaks and Louis looks over at her with a shy smile. Harry warned Louis about her and he can tell the whole room is nervous.

"I'm 23," he tells her and she nods. Her eyes scanning his face.

"Do you work?" she questions and Harry thinks this could be worse. Louis just continues to shyly smile.

"I do. I work at my family's cafe, but I'm also in school and I'm job shadowing right now," Louis tells we honestly.

"So you're not just getting my brother to buy you everything?" she asks and Harry can see the confusion on Louis' face.

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