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Harry does text Louis. In fact, he texts Louis all the time unless he's at the cafe talking to him face to face. He's known him a little over two months and his album comes out in a month and a half. He still hasn't told Louis about his tour because he's scared it'll end whatever they have going on.

Louis invited Harry over today and Harry is actually nervous about going to his apartment. He's sitting in his car, breathing deeply to try and calm himself down. He can't just leave though. He doesn't want to offend the poor boy.

He climbs out of his car and slowly makes his way into the building. The great thing about where Louis lives is there's not many people around. He enters the warm building and quickly finds Louis' name so the boy can buzz him up.

"Hello?" Louis says through the intercom.

"It's your favorite person," Harry grins.

"You sure don't sound like David Beckham, but I'll buzz you up," Louis laughs. Theres a loud buzzing noise and Harry pulls open the door and steps into the foyer. It's cute really. Harry could imagine himself living somewhere like this if he didn't live in a mansion.

Louis said he lived on the ground floor and soon the boy is walking out and waving at him. Harry walks over and Louis just leads him down the hall and into an open door.

His house is very open and not what Harry was expecting. There's a large television on the wall and black leather couches in front of it. His kitchen is on the right, with high end utilities and it's spotless. There's a guitar leaning against the wall and small picture frames everywhere.

"I know it's not fancy, but it's mine. I think this is the cleanest it's ever been," Louis tells him with a shrug. Harry just slips off his shoes and follows Louis into the main room. There's a small coffee table and a plush, cream colored rug.

"I like it. It's comfortable," Harry tells him. He can see the small patio Louis has. Lights and chairs sit on it and Harry can imagine Louis with friends out there drinking.

"It took me forever to get it just perfect. So many hours," Louis groans. His eyes widen when they land on Harry again.

"I'm sorry. Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink?" Louis rushes out. Harry just shakes his head and pats the spot next to him. Louis sits down and leans back.

"I was thinking we could order takeout and that's all I can think of," Louis tells him.

"Sounds perfect."

The food comes in and it smells delicious. Louis actually insisted on paying despite Harry telling him he could pay - he could probably buy everyone in the building takeout. They sit back down in the main room and Louis sits on the floor, facing Harry who's on the couch.

"I don't want you to get mad at me, but I have a question," Louis says, his voice sounding shy for once. Harry hums around his food and waits patiently.

"So you travel a lot right? What's the best place you've even been? I know you hate talking about your job..." Louis trails off and Harry can feel himself melt just from his look. Louis never asks him about his work and while he appreciates it, he doesn't mind Louis asking him things.

"I love Japan. It's so beautiful and the people are so sweet," Harry tells him. Louis smiles at him and god Harry is so into him. His smile brightens his day. Harry's written so many songs based off Louis. His whole album is basically about him and how perfect he is.

"Japan would be so cool. I've always wanted to visit Italy," Louis muses.

"It's lovely too. Maybe we can go sometime," Harry suggests hopefully. He wouldn't even hesitate to buy Louis a plane ticket with him.

"I'd have to work a lot of hours for that. I'll probably go when I'm done school," Louis shrugs.

"I could take you," Harry offers. He's going there on tour and Louis coming along would make his trip so much better.

"You can't do that. I'll get there one day," Louis assures him and Harry believes him. He knows Louis will get there one day, but he could get there sooner if he let Harry help him.

"If you say so. I'm surprised you're not blasting Sex Pistols or something," Harry remarks. It's one of the only bands he can remember Louis talking about because the name just has a ring to it.

"I didn't want to upset the guest," Louis replies. Harry rolls his eyes and sinks to the floor too.

"It wouldn't upset me. I've grown to somewhat like your music," Harry admits. Louis just grins and jumps up. He moves to his stereo and then the sound of guitars fills the air, along with the banging of drums.

He watches as Louis sings along as he walks back and the way he seems to move to the music. His eyes greedily examine his body for what feels like the millionth time and he's overwhelmed by how much he likes him.

"Go on a date with me," Harry says without thinking. Louis looks up at him in surprise and Harry can feel his cheeks flaming pink. What if Louis isn't gay? What if he thinks of them as just friends or thinks Harry is too prissy for him? Louis all of a sudden is beaming at him and his smile makes Harry's nervous heart pound so hard in his cheat it actually hurts.

"I'd love to."

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