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It's two days before Harry has to leave and he comes home to find Louis asleep in his large suitcase. It's probably the cutest thing Harrys ever witnessed so he takes a picture and quickly posts it on Instagram with the caption; 'I think someone wants to come on tour with me.' After that's posted he also makes the picture is background.

He looks at the sleeping boy a little longer before he kneels down and gently shakes his shoulder. Louis groans and curls up more which makes Harry laugh and he shakes him again.

"C'mon, baby, get up," Harry coos and Louis slowly opens his eyes.

"You're home," he smiles and his voice is barely a whisper.

"I am and you're sleeping in my suitcase," Harry replies.

"You can't pack and leave if I'm in it," Louis explains softly. Harry moves so he's not kneeling and is sitting on his butt, his heart feeling leaden. Louis is looking at him with his big blue eyes and a frown on his pretty face.

"Lou, I need to go," Harry tells him, reaching out to move the hair from his eyes. Louis just closes his eyes at Harry's touch and his frown gets bigger.

"Why? Just stay with me," Louis argues and Harry gives him a sad smile. He moves his arms around him and pulls him from the suitcase so he's in his lap.

"Why don't you just come with me?" Harry suggests for the millionth time and Louis shakes his head.

"I have school and work, Harry. I can't just leave," Louis explains and Harry frowns, but nods. He nuzzles his head in Louis' neck and places small kisses there which makes Louis giggle.

"Harry, stop. I'm supposed to make you giggle not the other way around," Louis objects, squirming in his lap. Harry laughs quietly and hugs him tighter.

"You're adorable," Harry tells him and Louis makes a disapproving face.



"Stop it," Louis tells him firmly. Harry just snorts and leans forward to place a big, wet kiss on Louis' cheek.

"Gross!" Louis shouts, wiping his face. He's laughing though and Harry just admires him for a moment.

"Can you do something for me while you're away?" Louis suddenly asks and Harry is nodding his head without hesitation.

"Can you write me a song?"

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