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Harry and Louis are casually making out at Harrys house and everything is perfect. It's been a week since their date and they've been avoiding everyone. Either Louis is over at Harry's and Harry is cooking him dinner or Harry is at Louis' and they order in.

Louis is slotted in between Harry's legs and Harry can't get enough of him. He smells of fresh coffee beans and he tastes like Strawberry Ice Breakers and his hair is so soft. Louis pulls away and kisses Harry's neck - right over the hickey he gave him - and then just rests his head there.

"Lou?" Harry murmurs softly. He still hasn't said anything about his album and he feels like it's now or never. Louis hums against his neck and lifts his head up.

"My album comes out in about a month and a week," Harry tells him softly. Louis just looks at him in confusion and Harry doesn't say anything else.

"Weren't you just writing songs for it? How is it happening so fast?" Louis asks and Harry smiles up at him, leaning forward to kiss his nose.

"I have to be writing songs constantly. I already had a lot of my album songs recorded and I added some new ones, but it's done. We've been promoting it for a long while," Harry explains. Louis seems to digest what he says and then he's nodding again.

"Okay. Can I hear one of your new songs?" Louis asks with interest.

"I thought you didn't like my music?" Harry questions. Louis just shrugs and leans down to rest his head back on Harrys shoulder, his fingers drawing patterns onto his chest.

"I don't, but I like you and I like when you sing," Louis tells him. Harry smiles and moves his hand up and down Louis' back.

"You can't laugh at it," Harry warns and he feels Louis' small puff of laughter on his neck.

"I won't. Promise."

So, Harry starts to sing. He's a little shaky because he's nervous to sing for Louis, but Louis listens intently and continues to trace patterns on his chest. Harry can feel him move so they're pressed closer together and he tightens his hold on his back. He finishes singing and Louis just leans up and kisses him again.

"You have a great voice," Louis tells him honestly and Harry just chuckles.

"Probably why I'm a singer," he replies and Louis rolls his eyes.

"I'm trying to be nice, but you make it so hard," Louis complains. Harry just grins up at him and puckers his lips and Louis happily leans down to kiss them. He thinks about the other night when Louis stayed over. It was nice to have someone to cuddle with and the sex was also a bonus. He pulls away and Louis whines at the loss of contact.

"Stay the night?" Harry asks and Louis just smiles and nods before leaning down again. They kiss a little bit longer, but then they move it to Harrys room and quickly shed their clothing.

After they're done and Louis goes to grab a cloth so he can clean Harry, they curl back up in bed. Louis is wrapped around him, still naked and very happy.

"Can you go make me tea?" Louis asks and Harry looks down at him with droopy eyes.

"Are you serious? You made me do this last time too," Harry pouts and Louis just looks up at him through his lashes.

"I can't sleep without my tea. I can go get it if you can't," Louis offers and Harry shakes his head. He stands up and Louis follows his actions.

"I'll go with you," he grins and Harry just rolls his eyes, but let's the boy follow him. They walk down his stairs and to his kitchen completely naked and Harry really likes this. Louis is clingy after sex and happily cuddles into Harry's chest as they wait for the water to boil and Harry gently rocks them back and forth.

When the kettle is boiled Harry grabs down two mugs and two tea bags and places them in the cups. Louis pours his milk in and Harry drinks his black. They walk back up the stairs with the steaming drinks and then crawl back into bed.

"Do you have to work tomorrow?" Harry asks. Louis takes night classes and he usually has to work all day, but sometimes he gets a day off.

"No, but I have an interview," Louis tells him. He's siting up, drinking his tea and Harry just watches as he places his lips to the mug and he swallows the warm drink. He's so attractive and Harry wants to give him the title of his boyfriend, but it feels too soon.

"Interview for what?" Harry asks.

"Job placement. I'll be working at a massage place downtown," Louis tells him. He's going to school to be a massage therapist which Harry really enjoys because he's gotten a few massages from him.

"Do you need a drive? I can go with you," Harry suggests and Louis just shakes his head and finishes his tea before cuddling back into him.

"I'm okay. Thanks though. I'm going out with my sisters after for a movie," Louis explains. Harry just nods his head and closes his eyes prepared to fall asleep when Louis fidgets under him.

"Who's tuning off the the light?" he asks and Harry groans, but gets up to do it.

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