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Harry has to do a radio interview to promote his album. He's in the studio, a fake smile on his face. He really just wants to go to his house and cuddle with Pebbles and call Louis. The boy has been busy since he started working another job and Harry misses him.

"And we're back. Harry Styles has decided to join us this beautiful afternoon," the announcer says over enthusiastically. Harry can't even remember his name, but he leans closer to the mic.

"Hello," he smiles into it and the radio guy turns to fully face him. The man has a beer belly and his hair is dark and thick on his head. He seems friendly enough, but Harry still is cautious around him. He's cautious around all people of the media.

"So, Harry, before we get into your album I'd like to talk about that date you went on," the guy grins and Harry automatically bristles. He doesn't want to talk to the media about Louis. It's one of those things he wants to keep for himself.

"Okay," he says slowly and the man nods his head and leans forward.

"Now, a lot of people we're surprised you were with a guy. You never came out to the media-"

"I didn't feel the need to. I'm a singer and my personal life shouldn't have anything to do with that. I shouldn't have to announce my sexuality to the world," Harry interrupts him and the guy seems surprised at first, but tries to recover.

"Alright. So who is the lucky guy? No one can seem to find a name for him," the guy asks and Harry sighs heavily into the microphone.

"I'm not giving his name out. If he chooses to then he can," Harry says and his eyes are challenging the interviewer. He's not going to answer these questions and he's daring him to keep asking.

"So is he your boyfriend?"

"Not yet. I thought we were going to talk about my album?" Harry questions back and the guy raises his hands in defense.

"We are. So does this album have a different vibe then the others..."

The interview drags on, but Harry responds better to the questions concerning his music. When it finally ends he shakes the mans hand and then follows his guards so he can leave. His phone is buzzing in his pocket and he pulls it out to see Louis calling. He answers without a thought, not even thinking that the fans are outside.

"Hey," Harry grins. His guard Mike turns to look at who he's talking to and when he sees the phone he mouths 'Louis?' to which Harry nods his head.

"Hey, baby. I just listened to your interview," Louis tells him. Harry told him he had one today and he's happy Louis cared enough to remember. He probably whined while all the pop music played.

"Yeah? Did the music kill you?" Harry teases and he tenses when the doors open and the sound of girls screaming fills his ears.

"Are you busy? I'm sorry I'll g-" Louis starts, but Harry pushes the phone closer to his ear.

"No! I'm getting in the car," Harry informs him. He waves at his fans and holds the phone in between his shoulder and ear as he signs some autographs. Eventually Mike pushes him into the car and he finally let's out a tiny breath.

"Better?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. Sorry about that," Harry apologizes quickly.

"It's fine. Thanks for not giving my name out by the way," Louis tells him softly and Harry nods even though Louis can't see him.

"What are you doing? Can I pick you up?" Harry asks and there's some shuffling on the other line.

"I'm off in an hour. I'm at my job placement," Louis tells him. Harry agrees to pick him up then and hangs up his phone. Mike is just giving him an amused smirk and shakes his head.

"You're so smitten," he snickers and Harry just grins and looks out the window.

"So what if I am?" he responds.

They arrive at Louis' work and wait 10 minutes before he comes out. He walks to the car right away and climbs in the back without hesitation. The first thing he does once the door is shut is attach his lips to Harry's in a sweet kiss.

"I missed you," Harry tells him in a hushed whisper and Louis just moves closer to him.

"I missed you too. You sounded so cute in your interview," Louis coos and Harry wonders how he got lucky enough to have Louis cuddled into his side.

"You're becoming soft," Harry jokes and Louis buries his face into his shoulder.

"Fuck you, jackass," he mutters fiercely and Harry softly snorts and kisses the top of his head.

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