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Harry wakes up to an empty bed and he frowns. The washroom door is open so Louis' not in there and Harry groans. He feels disgusting with the dried cum on him and he stands up and decides to take a shower. The warm water feels good and it just feels nice to be in his own washroom.

After he's done he throws on clean sweats and then pads down his stairs. He hears music blasting from his kitchen and he laughs as he walks in. Louis is leaning against the counter still naked, his hair damp. He's scrolling through his phone and a cup of coffee is next to him.

"You're up early," Harry speaks and Louis looks up at him with a smile.

"I am. It's a habit I've gotten into. You want some coffee, love?" Louis asks him. Harry nods and sits down. He admires Louis' plump butt as the boy turns to the Keurig and starts to make him a quick cup.

"Is being naked also one of your habits?" Harry asks and Louis turns to him with a smirk.

"No, I just wanted to give you a special surprise. You like?" Louis jokes. Harry chuckles and stands up, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his lips.

"I love. You should make me coffee naked every morning," Harry tells him. Louis turns back to the machine and makes his coffee the way he likes it.

"That could be arranged," he smiles as he passes it to him. Harry takes a sip and then cradles the mug in his hand, looking at his boyfriend who's back on his phone.

"What are you looking at?" he asks. Louis just passes him the phone and Harry can see Twitter up. He scrolls through and sees pictures of him and Louis at the airport yesterday. There's a cute one of them kissing while Louis' in his arms and Harry may want to keep that.

"Some of your fans call us 'Larry' which is cute. It also means I'm the boy of the relationship because my name comes first," Louis grins. Harry looks up at him and shakes his head.

"You weren't the boy last night," Harry says and Louis rolls his eyes.

"I was. I made you whimper like a bitch," Louis argues back and Harry just shakes his head and takes a large gulp of coffee.

"I have to watch the twins today. So, I'll see you tonight or maybe tomorrow," Louis tells him and Harry pouts immediately. He just got home Louis can't leave.

"Don't pout. Relax today," Louis tells him and Harry just pouts more. He places his mug down and reaches forward to wrap himself around Louis.

"I want to be with you," Harry tells him. Louis wraps his arms around him and places his lips against his temple.

"I want to be with you too, but I promised mom I'd watch them," Louis tells him. Harry frowns.

"Can you watch them here?" he asks.

"No. The girls will all want to come then," Louis sighs and Harry shrugs.

"Bring them. I just want you with me," he tells him and Louis agrees. He leaves Harry with a parting kiss and puts on some clothes. He waves as he leaves to pick up his siblings and Harry wonders how they'll fit in his car.

He moves to put on a shirt and stops to scratch Pebbles behind her ears. She purrs and nuzzles into him and he chuckles.

"You were mean to Louis while I was away. Not very good, Pebs," Harry coos at her. She just blinks lazily at him and then leaves. He continues on to his room and actually gets ready. He doesn't know how long it'll take Louis to get back.

His phone rings and he moves over to grab it. He expects it to be Louis saying he forgot something so he answers without looking.

"Hey, baby," he smiles.

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