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Harry needs to tell Louis. He needs to tell him the truth because his album comes out in two months and then he's leaving for a year. A whole year and he can't just leave him without a reason. He highly doubts Louis will care. Hell, he could probably leave and show up a year later and Louis would just laugh as if nothing happened.

He walks into the small shop he's started to consider his safe place and his eyes land on a blonde girl. She looks a lot like Louis, but she's not Louis. Her eyes move over to him in a bored fashion and then they become large and shocked.

"You're Harry styles," she whispers out. Harry curses under his breath and moves forward nodding his head.

"Yeah. Let's not make this a big deal, okay? Is Louis here?" Harry asks, looking behind her. He was hoping to see the boy squatting down, but the building appears to be Louis-less.

"Louis..?" the girl mumbles out in confusion.

"Harry!" Harry and the girl both turn to face Louis. He has a large smile on his face and a beanie on his head. There's dark jeans that hug his muscular thighs and a band shirt fits his upper body beautifully. Harry swallows thickly at the sight of him.

"Hey, Lou," he chokes out. The girl is watching them in disbelief and her eyes eventually move back to Harry.

"I see you met my little sister, Charlotte. She's taking over for me this shift so have fun," Louis chuckles. He moves and squeezes out from behind the counter. His jeans are rolled up at the bottom and vans cover his small feet.

"Actually, I came to see you," Harry tells him quickly. Louis raises his brow and smirks.

"Of course you did. I'm sorry to say, but I have a bus to catch," Louis tells him with a shrug and an apologetic smile.

"I can drive you," he blurts immediately. Louis and his sisters eyes are on him and Harry is so worried that she's going to say something and ruin this.

"Okay," Louis agrees with a cute grin. Harry gives him a lopsided one back and moves forward to leave.

"You know Harry Styles?" his sister finally speaks and Harry closes his eyes tight. He needs to tell Louis, not his sister.

"How do you know his name?" Louis questions back. Harry shifts uncomfortably and looks at her, begging with his eyes. She looks between the two and then sighs.

"My friend thinks he's cute. Her older sister is friends with him," the girl says carefully. Louis just laughs and pats Harrys arm. Harry mouths a small 'thank you' before he's running out the door after a retreating Louis.

"Which car is yours?" Louis asks. Harry bites his lip and then points to the Ferrari. Louis gapes at it and then looks at him.

"How rich are your parents?" he exclaims and Harry just shakes his head.

"They're not. I just have a good job," Harry mutters. Louis just lets it slide and runs to the car. Harry smiles at him and unlocks his doors. He moves to get in and he likes the way Louis looks in his passenger seat.

"This definitely does not fit the rest of you. It's way too cool," Louis says in awe. Harry laughs again and watches as Louis scans the car. You'd think they'd hate each other after the first meeting, but Louis stayed in Harry's head. It was rare for someone to treat him like that and it was rude yes, but it was also wonderful.

"Seatbelt," Harry instructs. Louis rolls his eyes, but puts it on nonetheless. They pull out and Louis plugs in his phone, loud rock music now blasting from the speakers. Louis turns it down slightly, but drums his fingers on his thighs to the rhythm.

"AC/DC," Louis tells him. Harry just nods his head, but his mind is elsewhere. How is he going to tell Louis? Does he just say it? Should he just not tell him? Let his sister do it?

"So what's your job? This car is fucking beautiful," Louis speaks again. Harry glances over at him and his heart is beating hard in his chest. Now or never.

"I'm a singer..." Harry tells him carefully. Louis turns to face him, a confused look on his face.

"A singer?" he asks in disbelief and Harry nods his head ever so slowly.

"I sing folk, acoustic and pop. Um, plug my phone in, I should have some of my songs," Harry tells him. Louis is quick to change the phones and then he's scrolling through, finding Harry's music. A song plays out and Harry doesn't dare glance over at Louis.

"My sisters listen to this," Louis croaks out. Harry can feel his gaze on him, but he refuses to look over.

"Pull over," Louis tells him. Harry feels his chest tighten, but he does as told. He waits for Louis to get out because Harry's basically lied this whole time, but Louis stays.

"Can you look at me?" Louis asks softly. Harry looks over at him and sees that Louis is smiling, not mad in the slightest.

"So you're like really famous?" Louis asks. Harry feels himself deflate because Louis is one of those guys. Someone who's probably going to use him.

"Yeah," Harry says, his heart hurting. He'd prefer him to leave, instead of using him.

"Why? Your music sucks. I mean, you have a great voice, but what the fuck is this?" Louis laughs. Harry feels himself do a double take and then he smacks Louis playfully.

"At least you can understand what I'm saying!" Harry argues and Louis snorts.

"It's so cheesy. I mean c'mon, no one loves someone this much," Louis tells him with an eye roll. Harry's cheeks turn pink and he looks down.

"I wrote it while I was watching The Notebook," Harry tells him and then Louis' loud laughter fills the car again. Harry looks up and admires the way his eyes crinkle and his whole body shines with happiness.

"You're something else, Mr. Styles. Also, I'm putting my phone back in," Louis tells him. Harry just watches him change over the phones and something not as hard plays. Harry pulls back onto the road and the rest of the drive is normal. Louis tells him each band that plays and Harry makes a comment that usually has Louis scrunching up his nose.

They arrive at Louis' apartment building and it's nothing special, but Harry finds it cute. He could imagine Louis living here, listening to his loud music.

"I'd invite you up, but my house is disgusting. Next time though," Louis tells him. Harry just looks over at him, his brow furrowed.

"Next time?"

"Yeah. We've now hung out once outside of the shop so we'll have to do it again. Here, I'll give you my number," Louis says. He reaches for Harry's phone and Harry unlocks it so Louis can type in his number. Louis just smiles and passes it back to him.

"Text me. Or don't. Your choice. Thanks for the ride," he calls before he climbs out the car and runs up to his front door. He turns to wave one last time and then he's gone.

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