Chapter Five

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The aunt let out a gasp. It was not a terrified gasp. It was more of a "how dare you" gasp, and Lean did not have to guess that.

"I cannot believe that you are accusing me of such ridiculous nonsense!" Katrina snapped. Every part of her face was now red. "I would never - ever - do such a wicked thing."

Lean was not buying it. She was one of the smartest and cleverest people in Forlot, and Katrina knew that for a fact. She just wanted to see how much she could get away with.

"Girl, I was not born yesterday," Lean informed her. "I am among the first who were born. Do you really think that I would believe your lies?"

"You have no proof. They are my niece and nephew! I would never want to harm them!" Tears formed in her eyes. "Why would I hurt the ones whom I love? You have nothing on me!"

"Nobody wants to hurt their loved ones..." She paused for a few seconds, and then quickly picked up when her 'friend' opened her mouth to speak. " not say a word. I know the truth. I am no fool. You do not love those kids. You do not care about the family at all." She pointed a ghostly finger at her. "You love yourself. You have so much pride that it has corrupted you. And those tears of yours are fake. Called it!"

Katrina squinted and glared at her. "Look at who is talking." She poked the middle of the ghost's chest. "You are the corrupted being around here. At least I did not kill a person. her! Our Lubriem!"

"I had good reasons to."

"And what reasons would that be?! I saw with my own eyes! You were floating by the Lubriem. The Lubriem was lying on the a pile of red stuff. Blood."

"You are assuming that it was blood."

"What else could it have been?! There was a dark hole in our Lubriem's chest!"

That was the last straw for Lean. Her patience was wearing off.


The ghost girl held out her hands and forced her powers out of her palms. Her hair flew in the breeze, and her eyes brightened up. White light. A ray of blue light emerged from the palms and made a sound.


"Ow!" Katrina shouted at the top of her lungs as the blue light hit her, causing her to fly and hit a building nearby. "Oof!" She fell down, her bottom hitting the hard ground, and groaned. She rubbed the back of her head.

Lean floated to her. Her hands were clenched into tight fists, and her eyes returned to the normal pupils. "You know exactly what happens when you push my buttons. I know what happened that day. You only saw what you want to believe, but I know the meaning behind it." She grabbed ahold of her jacket and pulled her up. "And do not think that I do not know the real reason why we are enemies. I am a good guy..." She took her glasses and snapped them in half. "...and you are the trader." She threw the glasses to the side. "You betrayed me."

"I did not betray you! You betrayed me!"

"Says the girl who was the person who called the mental asylum, telling them that you found two children who desperately needed help. What was it that you said? 'Help! There are two young kids who are acting insane because they believe that they actually saw and were attacked by a monster!'"

"Pfft! That could have been anybody who said that. And that could have been any two children."

She had just about enough with the poor excuses. She did not have visual proof that Katrina did anything wrong, but she knew what kind of characteristics that her used-to-be friend had.

And none of them were good or at least decent.

"You know...I may not have evidence about you or know who you are working for...but we both know a few things. Two of them being that you are known for being a liar...and you have a crush on Dr. Hugo Maxwell."

Katrina was a bit surprised by the last part. Taking a liking to Dr. Maxwell. " did you know that?"

She let go of her. "I know everything that takes place in Forlot. I am the first of the first."

With that said, the ghost took off and flew away.

The poor aunt leaned against the wall of the building that she had crashed into and grunted. She was now mad. She bent down and scooped up her broken glasses.

"And these were new glasses," she muttered to herself.

Then she looked up at the sky. Her eyes changed from normal to purple and black swirls. It was horrifying just to look at.

"You will pay," she said. An echo was followed. "You should not have messed with me."

Forlot: True and False - Book Four {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now