Chapter Twenty-Six

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The fights immediately stopped.

"Sweet pea!" Mrs. M. called to her husband.

Dr. O'Connor did not cry in agony or moan. He placed a hand over the middle of his chest, and then pulled it away, examining what was now on his palm. I saw it too as plain as day.

Blood. Bright red.

He stumbled back. Dr. Maxwell dropped the gun, letting it fall to the hard ground.


"That is what you get for attempting to harm my daughter," he said. "You deserve what was coming to you. To get shot and bleed to death."

Jeez. What a couple of psychos.

Dr. O'Connor fell forward and landed on his stomach. I realized that his eyes were closed. He was unconscious.

"Henry!" Mrs. M. ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "He needs help! Someone help my husband!"

Mr. Hawk grunted and slowly sinked to the ground as much as he could, seeing that he was still chained to the wall. It seemed to me that he was in terrible pain.

"Mitchell!" Mrs. Sanders said his name, stretching out her arms and trying to reach for him. Her hands were in gripping positions.

Oberious snickered and kept her away from Mr. Hawk. "I am glad that he got shot," he stated to her. "Now you feel my pain. I almost lost my shadow friends, and they almost lost me. But hopefully...he will not make it."

That was enough to tick off Mrs. Sanders. She glared at him, and her hair blew wildly.

"Do not...ever...say that!"

What happened next blew me and the others away. I had a feeling that even Nigel was dismayed.

Blue light flashed in the shadow king's face. Oberious screamed and accidentally let her go. Mrs. Sanders landed on her feet...

...and started to float.

A green aura surrounded her. It glowed, making her stand out from the rest of us. She floated into the air and raised her arms to the sides.

"Clem moc ti wom," she spoke in a language that I did not know. "Shesh ma wut tee!"

All of us became amazed as blue butterflies flew into the room. They were a good size. Not too big and not too small. They circled Mrs. Sanders, and I guessed that she was controlling them somehow.

"Nobody hurts my friend!" she ordered, an echo following behind. She flicked her thumbs and fingers at the evil shadow, and the butterflies attacked.

"Ah!" Oberious cried.

The butterflies swarmed around him. They flew up and down. Side to side.

Mrs. M. rolled Dr. O'Connor onto his back and stroked his cheek. "My love..." She looked up at Dr. Maxwell. "You will pay for hurting my husband! I will rip you to shreds!"

That was when she transformed.

Into a hideous being. A purple and green monster.

Mrs. Sanders slightly turned and looked down at Dr. Maxwell. "He is mine."

"Yours?" Dr. Maxwell said. "You will be my wife?"

"Never! Especially not after what you did to my dear friend!"

Dr. Maxwell glanced at Mrs. M. and Mrs. Sanders. He had a riot on his hands. Two unhappy women who were about to tear him apart.

"Retreat!" he ordered.

Finally getting the butterflies away from him, Oberious snapped his fingers, and he, Dr. Maxwell, and the Creature From Beyond vanished.

"Dang it!" Margie said. "We almost had them!"

The creepy creature that was now Mrs. M. howled and scurried out of the room. She disappeared.

The butterflies disappeared as well, and Laura floated to the solid ground and ran to Mr. Hawk. She kneeled next to him.

"You are not bleeding," she confessed, observing his injury. "But you have a gunshot wound to the stomach." She stood back up and unchained him from the wall. She put one of his arms around her shoulders and helped him. "We need to get him to the hospital."

"What about Dr. O'Connor?" I asked. "Is he...dead?"

"I do not know. Check his pulse."

I went over to Dr. O'Connor and placed two fingers on his neck where I could feel his pulse. "I feel it."

"Then there is still a chance for him to live."

"Should we not call 911...or 777...or whatever to contact the hospital?" Nigel asked his mom as Damian and Maxine unchained him. Shade helped Margie out of her chains, and Karla helped Scarlett to her feet and held her close.

"No. We could be in big trouble if anyone from Forlot finds out that we are here."

Huh. Why was that?

Thankfully for Mr. Hawk and Dr. O'Connor, the hospital was only two miles away. Mrs. Sanders was in front and leading us. Karla and Shade were right behind her and dragging the unconscious scientist. The rest of us were behind them.

Jack was next to Gretel, and Jill was next to me.

"Why were you guys at that factory anyway?" Jack asked. "Were you kidnapped?"

"Not...exactly," Gretel admitted.

"Then why were you there?"

"The question is..." I said. " did you all get there? I mean, how did you find us?"

"Karla and I were wondering where you were. You were gone for a long time," Scarlett explained. "So we decided to look for you. Karla called up Shade to help us, and we bumped into Jack and Jill. They said that they were looking for Hansel and Gretel."

I could seeing my sister blushing.

"You and Jill...were looking for me and my brother?"

"Of course," Jack responded. "My sister and I missed you. We could not keep away from you."

"Mr. Hawk was kidnapped. So was I," Mrs. Sanders piped up. "I was looking for Sarah, and Dr. Maxwell kidnapped me."

"Looking for Sarah?" Margie repeated the phrase. "Is she not back at the mansion?"

Scarlett shook her head. "We looked everywhere for her. Top to bottom of the mansion. Outside too. We saw no sign of her. She is gone."

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