Chapter Seven

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"Hmm? Ava?" Gretel managed to speak to the blonde girl whom we barely knew. "Ava Campbell?"

"So you have heard of me. Excellent. I do not have to explain myself."

A grin spread across Ava's face. Her hands were in the pockets of her pants. The amount of light that was given by the purple sky made her red and blue eyes sparkle.

Showing every ounce of bravery that remained in me from the time that Gretel and I "met" the Creature From Beyond, I took a step towards her. My eyes locked on hers.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," I ordered. "Like why one of your eyes is red. Who the heck has a red eye?"

My twin realized that I was acting rude - which I was not - and stepped up next to me. She gave me a slap on the side of my head. It was not a hard slap, but it still hurt. And no, I was not being a baby.

"Ow." I rubbed the place where she had slapped me. "What was that for?"

"You know exactly what that was for," she scolded. "Do not bully her. I am sure that she has a very good reason why it is red. She could have a serious problem."

A serious problem that the girl was acting creepy!

"Now, now," Ava said soothingly. "There is no need to fight and argue with each other. We are all friends here."

Yeah, right. The day that I become friends with you is the day that my bottom disappears. And I would like to keep my bottom, thank you very much.

She stuck out her hand and opened her palm. "It is nice to meet you two. Why do you not tell me your names?"

My sister took her hand and shook it. "I am Gretel Mason. Next to me is my twin brother, Hansel."

"Yes. Hansel. And Gretel." She shoved her hand back in her pocket. "Did I talk to either of you earlier?"

"On the phone? No," I explained to her. "Margie was the one who answered your call. She said that you knew our names."

"You guys. Margie. Nigel. Yes, I do."

" We do not even know you!"

"You would never believe what you find on the Internet these days. And speaking of Internet, there is something on there that I found, and I desperately need to show it to you. Come on." She walked past us and over to her house. I was going to ask her if the house stunk on the inside, when she said, "And do not worry. My house does not stink. I have lived here for many years and use air fresheners to make it smell nice and bearable."

I watched as Gretel hurried after her.

"Come on, Hansel!" my twin sister proclaimed. "You do not want to be left behind!"

I just stood where I was and watched the two girls enter the house. I did not move a single muscle, for I was surprised - and confused.

How did Ava know that I was thinking just that? That the old house might be stinky? Maybe she did not. Maybe it was a coincidence.

I ran a hand through my hair. "She is no psychic," I muttered to myself.

A cry immediately interrupted my thoughts. Two cries.

And they were coming from the house.

My first guess was Margie and Nigel. They were in trouble.

I knew it all along! It was a trap!

I was about to go back to the mansion and get help, when somebody appeared on the porch.

It was Nigel. He was okay. At least...I figured that he was okay.

Nigel cupped his hands around his mouth. "Hansel!" he called out to me. "You can come in! The coast is clear!"

The coast is clear?

"What do you mean 'the coast is clear'?" I called back. "There is a girl with different color eyes that just went in there!"

"I know! She introduced herself to me and Margie! Margie and I got stuck in a net trap, and she freed us!"

"So she can trap you guys again!"

"No! It was on accident! The traps that she set up are for intruders, not us!"

"...I am still not buying it!"

Margie then came out of the house and onto the porch. She was alright too.

"You boys and your yelling," she said. She placed her hands on her hips. "Ava wants to see all four of us. No exceptions. It is urgent." She blew a strand of her hair that escaped from one of her pigtails. "And please. Knock off the yelling. Someone could go deaf."

Margie headed back in, and Nigel and I stared at each other. I think that we both were wondering the same thing.

What just happened?

I strolled up to the house, and Nigel and I went in. I shut the front door behind me and examined the small room.

It was incredibly small. There was barely any space. The walls were dark red, and the floor was an ugly brown. A long and narrow table was against one of the walls. Three computers on the table were spread out from each other. There was also another table. The only differences were that this table was short and wide and located in the middle of the room. Five chairs surrounded the table. Two chairs on the left. Two chairs on the right. One chair at the end.

Ava was sitting in the chair that was at the end, and Gretel was sitting in one of the chairs that was to the right.

Ava saw me, Margie, and Nigel and smirked. "Finally. The gang is all here." She pointed to the empty chairs. "Please...sit."

The three of us sat down. I sat next to my sister and was close to Ava. Margie was also close to her.

"Let me say..." Ava said. " are fictional characters."

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