Chapter Nine

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"Huh? Lubriem?" Margie repeated the strange word.

Nigel raised an eyebrow. "What the heck is a Lubriem?"

Margie and Nigel did not know what a Lubriem is, but my sister and I sure did. Remember?

"Gretel and I have heard of the Lubriem," I said, bringing it to their attentions. I could tell that Ava was a bit surprised by my statement.

She blinked a couple of times. "You have?"

"We most certainly have. We found out by breaking into a house."

My twin sighed. "We did not exactly break into a house," she corrected. "I mean...Hansel must have had too much sugar that day because he wanted to go in the house." I frowned at that. "It was an abandoned house. It used to be our house...until...a guy named Dr. Maxwell took the deed. He now owns our old house."

"Wait a minute." Margie slowly stood up and placed her palms on the table. She leaned over the table. "Dr. Maxwell? Dr. Hugo Maxwell?"

I shrugged. "Eh. I do not remember his first name, but I do recall that it was a Dr. Maxwell. Why do you ask? Do you happen to know him?"

"Oh my gosh, yes. Me and a friend of mine. Her name was Lean Share."

"Was? Did she change her name or something? 'Cause with a name like that, I do not blame her for wanting to change it."

"No. She..." I saw a tear stream down her cheek. "...died."

Gretel was taken aback. "My goodness. I am sorry for your loss."

"Hold it. Hold it!" Nigel jumped into the conversation. "You all know a Dr. Maxwell. So do I. He was the doctor who came to my home to cure me of my nightmares."

It was at this very minute that all four of us were talking over one another. About Maxwell and the scary events that we went through.

Ava stayed where she was and watched us. She folded her hands in her lap and watched us with a blank stare. She did not speak. It sort of creeped me out.

I stopped talking and glared at Ava. A chill immediately shot down my spine. "Our bad," I said to her in a low tone. My teeth chattered.

The other three somehow overheard me and glanced at Ava. Margie gulped and sat back down. Nigel and Gretel looked away and fiddled with their fingers.

Then...Ava started laughing. It was a normal laugh. It did not sound wicked.

"Wow," she finally spoke. "That is what I call an introduction!" She forced herself to stop laughing and cleared her throat again. "That is going to save us plenty of time so we can do more in this chapter." She let out a snort. "See what I did there? I broke the fourth wall! Ha!" She gathered the papers and stuffed them back in the folder. "It seems that the four of you have more in common than you realize. Margie, otherwise known as the Monster Protector, defends a monster's honor. Nigel is the hero that defeated the evil shadows and saved millions of lives. And Hansel and Gretel. Curious twins who want to put the pieces together. What fun!"

We heard a ringer going off.

"That is my phone," Nigel reassured us as he took his cellphone out of his jacket pocket and squinted at the bright screen. "It is a text from my mom. She said to come back to the mansion right away."

"Does she say why?" Ava said.

"No. It is not even close to lunchtime."

"That is...bizarre."

We all got out of our seats.

"Sorry that we have to cut the visit short," Gretel told Ava. "It was nice talking with you."

Ava ran her fingers through her long hair. "I can drive you guys back to the mansion. It is quicker."

"Thanks. But no," I said quickly. "We can walk. It is not that far from here."

"I insist. I am seventeen years old. I have a car and can drive." She whistled. "Caleb! Get my keys!"

Margie, Nigel, Gretel, and I turned to the red door. Caleb did not come out. We just heard some footsteps and saw a set of keys flying out from the room.

Ava caught the keys and motioned for us to follow her. She led us to a garage that was closed. She walked up to the garage door and pressed on the side. The garage door slid up, and we spotted a car. The car was a dark blue Prius.

"Get in!" Ava instructed as she unlocked the car and hopped into the driver's seat. She started the car.

The rest of us scrambled into her car and shut the doors. Margie was in the passenger seat, and Nigel, Gretel, and I were in the back. Ava backed out of the driveway and went on the road. She did not drive fast. She was going at a regular speed.

But she did not drive on the hill. That was where the mansion was.

"The mansion is at the top of the hill," I informed to Ava.

"I know. But there is something that I need to show you first. It will not take long."

"But my mom said that we need to be at the mansion as soon as possible."

"Relax. You are safe with me."

She pointed at a small building that we passed. Then she made a turn and drove up the hill.

"What were you pointing at?" Margie asked.

"A bookstore. It is filled with all kinds of books...and fictional characters that have been lied to."

We soon reached the top of the hill, and everyone but Ava got out of the car. A girl ran out of the mansion and hugged Margie.

"Sis! I am so glad that you are okay."

Margie hugged her back. "Scarlett? What is the matter?"

"There...was a murder. Mr. Hawk's brother...Hugo Maxwell...was killed."

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