Chapter Six

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After Margie hung up, she discussed to me, Nigel, and Gretel about who the caller was. She said that it was a person who goes by Ava Campbell. She then asked if any of us knew who Ava was and what she might want from us. My sister and I shrugged, and Nigel crossed his arms and shook his head. None of us knew an Ava Campbell.

"Sorry. I do not know anybody named Ava," Nigel commented.

"Neither do we," I said, motioning to me and my twin. "What did she want?"

"I have no clue," Margie replied. "All that she said was that she needed to see the four of us. She did not explain why."

"Could it have been a wrong number?" Gretel wondered. "Or a prank?"

I rolled my eyes. "Not a wrong number. It was more likely a prank. How else would that person know our first and last names?"

"Unless that she had done her research." Margie scooped up a large bag that was in a chair. The bag was brown and looked old and worn. "I say that we go and see her."

"What?!" I was shocked by her statement. "You have got to be kidding me! We hardly know this girl, and you think that it would be a 'great' idea to go? We do not even know where she is!"

"She told me when she and I talked." Margie stuffed a crossbow in the bag and swung the bag over her shoulders. "She is at an abandoned building that is not far from we are. She said that she needed help."

"It could be a trick!"

"My brother is right," Gretel insisted. "What if she is luring us into a trap? We should bring backup. A grownup. Like Mr. Hawk or Nigel's mom."

"I have an idea," Nigel piped in. "We will go to the place where she says that she is. Two of us will go into the building, and two of us will wait outside. If the two who went in get captured, then the ones who are not can leave and seek help."

I had to admit. His suggestion was a pretty solid plan. But would it work out the way that he expected if this was indeed a trap?

My twin sister gently played with one of her ponytails. "Should we not tell Mr. Hawk or Mrs. Sanders where we are heading to? I do not want them to worry."

"We can tell them that we are going for a walk," Margie instructed. "That would be lying to them, but they might not let us go."

"Would it not be a lot easier if we told them that a certain someone needs help?" I questioned. "I bet that they would let us."

"Ava said to not tell or bring anyone else because she does not trust some people."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you do not find that suspicious?"


After we lied to Laura and Mr. Hawk - that bothered my sister, for she does not like to lie - informing them that we were going to walk around the block, Margie, Nigel, Gretel, and I left the mansion and hurried down the hill to the town. Laura demanded that we be back by lunchtime, and it was now ten o'clock.

We had decided to put Nigel's plan into action. There was no way that I was going in the building. I did not want to get trapped. So Margie and Nigel would go inside, and Gretel and I would stay where it was safe and hide, keeping on the lookout.

We soon came to a building. It was a small - a very small - house that was rundown and looked like that it had not been used for years. The house was painted white and had a red roof. There were cracks where the paint had peeled off and pieces of the roof missing. I was just hoping that it did not smell stinky.

Gretel and I hid behind a bush that was in front of the house. Margie and Nigel went up a couple of steps that led to the porch. The door was also white and open a crack, so Margie pushed it open, and the two of them walked in. The door closed behind them.

"They are brave," I whispered.

"I sure hope that they will be okay," my twin whispered back.

We stared at the house for what seemed like forever. It was actually ten minutes. Margie and Nigel did not come out.

"Where are they?" I whispered. "They should have been out by now. The house is not that big."

She whispered back. "There could be secret passages. Remember the passageway that we found on accident? With the files and videotapes?"

"Crub. Then they are probably lost!"

Five more minutes passed, and I heard a sound. It sounded like the crunching of leaves. I glanced down and around me. There were leaves on the ground. That meant one thing.

Someone - something - was walking. And whatever it was got closer and closer to the bush by the second.

I was a bit scared. Who am I kidding? I was terrified!

"Do you hear that, sis?" I said just above a whisper.

She stayed still and listened before answering. "Yes."

"We have to get out of here."

I scrambled to my feet and helped her up. We turned...

...and cried out.

There was a person standing. She had blonde hair that went below her shoulders and wore a red, long-sleeved shirt and black pants. On her feet were black flats with tiny, black bow-ties where her toes were. But what really caught my attention were her eyes. One was a dark shade of blue, and the other was a bright red. Her right eye was blue, and her left eye was red.

"Ah. So you finally arrived to my humble home," she said. She had a creepy voice. "The name is Ava."

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