Chapter Sixteen

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"Guys!" My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth.

It was not a good idea to yell. I did not want to attract anybody that was not Margie, Nigel, or Gretel. And if anyone that was not a part of the team found out that I was in Mr. Hawk's bedroom, I would be in deep trouble.

I scooped up more papers from the box. Then I shut the box and dashed out of that room and into my and Gretel's bedroom. I sat on the edge of my bed and scanned the papers that I was holding.

The document that I was the most intrigued about was a deed. The deed that stated that Lean Share owned the mansion and not Mr. Hawk.

It seemed to me that the deed was old. It had wrinkles and tiny rips on its sides. The top of it was blue, and a word was written white on the blue part. The word was "Deed."

I was debating on whether or not to read it, when Margie, Nigel, and Gretel entered.

"Hansel," Gretel said my name. "We heard you. What is going on?" She noticed the papers. "And why do you have so many papers? I thought that you finished your homework the night that we left for Forlot."

I looked up at them and set all of the documents except the deed on my bed.

"I am happy that you are here," I confessed to them. "And no, sis. This is not homework. This is important stuff that I found." I held up the deed. "Do you know what this is?"

Margie stroked one of her braids and squinted at the deed. "Um...a piece of paper?"

"Not just any piece of paper. A deed." I pointed at the white writing at the top. "See? It says so."

"So it does," Nigel agreed with me. "Where did you find it?"

I did not hesitate to tell them. "I found it in Mr. Hawk's room."

"What?" I knew that my sister would be mad at me. She does not like when I "invade" another person's space, especially her own. "You went into his room without permission?"

"Pretty much."

"Bro! If Mr. Hawk or somebody else sees you with these documents, you will be—"

I interrupted her. "In big trouble. I have heard it before. No need to remind me."

"Why did you go in his room?" Margie asked.

"Duh. To search for clues. Just like what Ava ordered us to do. I am desperate to know why I am fictional. I feel real...yet...I have a feeling that Ava is right. That we are fictional characters."

My twin stepped up to me. "But that does not give you the right—"

"I found something interesting. It is this deed. Just hear me out."

"What does the deed say, Hansel?" Nigel wondered.

"Let me read it. It will blow your mind." I locked my eyes on the deed and began reading.

"This is to ensure the deal between Lean Share and Mitchell Hawk. The Lubriem built this mansion for the sake of Lean and her friends. This means that Lean is the owner of the mansion. However, if Mitchell wishes to take control of the mansion, then he may. He just cannot have ownership of it. So the deal is sealed. Lean owns the mansion, and Mitchell controls what happens in it."

I looked back up at the group and could see that they were surprised.

"So Lean...Lean owns this place?" the Monster Protector spoke. "Not Mr. Hawk?"

"That is what the deed says."

"Wait a minute." Gretel scanned the deed. "It mentioned the Lubriem. So it really belongs to her."

I got off my bed and gathered the other papers. "But it states that the Lubriem built this place for Lean and her friends." I got on my knees and slid the papers under my bed. "It makes me wonder if Lean and Mr. Hawk were ever friends."

Margie shook a little. "But...Mr. Hawk said that he was a good guy."

I stood back up. "Or...Lean Share could be a bad guy."

"Lean? My friend? No..."

Nigel placed a hand on Margie's shoulder. "We should discuss about this. Make theories like the Fandom does." We then heard loud voices. "Or we can put a hold on that and investigate what is going on downstairs."

We hurried out of the room and down the hall. The voices sounded close. Really close. Like right by the stairs.

We peered around the corner and spotted two adults. One was Nigel's mom. The other was...Nigel's dad. Richard.

"Who is that man?" Margie whispered, referring to Mr. Sanders.

"That dad," Nigel answered. "They are making up from their argument yesterday."

"What are you doing here, Richard? I told you that I never want to see you again."

"Honey, please. I love you and our son."

"Sounds like that they are making up," I said sarcastically.

"I told you once and will tell you again. Our marriage is in scrambles because of that ridiculous job that you took," Mrs. Sanders said.

"What is it that you do not like about my job?" Mr. Sanders argued. "It pays well, and I get plenty of days off. I can be with you and our son."

"He is not your biological son! You two are not related. And if you care about our family, then you would have quit your job by now."

"Why would you want me to quit such a great job?"

"It is Zeolex! You should not be working for Zeolex!"

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